Chapter 9

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Cale looked cautiously at cage "is something wrong with not my brother, lady cage?" , "young master cale as you already know i am a former priestess of death, i wish to ask is your brother a priest or a saint of death?"

"No, my brother isn't, he can't be" he mumbled the last part. "What makes you think deon is a follower of god of death? "

"All saints and priests carry out the will of their respective god and thus receive blessings according to the god. Being blessed by god of death gives a person a certain change in their aura, you can say i don't know how to explain this stuff" cale sighed at the former priestess's explaintion 'really? You don't even know how to explain it?' Cale thought, gestured cage to continue.

"As a former priestess myself i know somewhat who might or might not, as for my reasons above you should talk to young master deon as some followers of death can be a little crazy" cage finished her speech.
"I will talk to my brother about this, thank you for your concern, miss cage"

After some more time, cage and taylor left. Cale walked around his room trying to figure out how to bring the topic with deon. Deon been a 'character' that already had somewhat put cale on the edge when they first meet, as he had no idea how deon is and where did he come from.

The Henituse house was a strong county, its power mosty been the resources at it's disposal. The house had 3 children, Cale Henituse, the oldest son and the trash of the family.

Basen Henituse, the second son, incredibly smart child and who many thought would take the position of the heir due to oldest's inability

And of course the youngest daughter, lily Henituse

But never  the novel had mentioned a fourth child or the name deon itself. But here he was deon Henituse, the 'second' son of the family, who adopted by Drew Thames, the late countess.

The only one the family who seemed to have been the only one who is was  close with cale before and after the cale started been trash. He also has a good relationship with the other members of the family.

He does seem a little distant with father

From every information he had gotten from the servants and deon himself. Deon had never really been outside of the walls of the mansion due to his unique condition, the nobles also don't know much about him as he never shows up for any gathering. This is first time.

His own time with deon was good as well, yes he can say it too a few weeks for deon to warm up to him as his new brother, his company was still enjoyable, they also bonded over him teaching deon korean language.

His guts was telling him to talk with deon. He decided to go talk to him.

On his way to deon's room he heard the dragon and deon laughing over something, he couldn't catch what but didn't think to much about it.

He knocked on the door and the laughing stopped, and soon after the door opened. "Hello Hyung, what brings you here?" . Cale came inside, looked around room and asked raon to leave them alone for a while. Raon seems have wanted to talk to deon more but left after been told they can plan 'that' later.

Cale was confused on to what deon and raon could have been planning for

They sat down, He decided go straight for it, "deon are you by any chance a follower of god of death?" Cale asked. Deon looked scared at cale "no" he replied hesitantly.

"You know you don't have to hide anything from me ok? I won't do anything bad, i just want to know to make sure"

Deon looked panicked, and went silent for a while "yes" deon whispered. "Since when? And why deon? Cale asked inpatient, wanting to know why a god would want to approach his brother

"The night you went to rescue the dragon and i don't have the full reason as well, he was quite vague and didn’t answer most of my questions"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier ? It could have been dangerous deon, you already know your body is weaker than normal and please tell me what the god said to you as best as you can"

"It was strange to say the least, he said that this was a form of help for future events and some past events that might take place?" Deon tried to explain. " he was vague and outright ignored many of my questions, he made me his saint and said it for my own safety"

Cale was confused, this was vague, and all the questions circled around to be why? . Was it something related to deon not been from the original novel? , or something else?. And deon's past? , was he supposed to be in novel but due to something or someone  he wasn't present?

Seems like was back at step 1 in understanding who deon is. There was more and more questions, then answers it seems like

"Ok, if i am right your nightmares started after this day as well too?" Deon nodded. "Can you tell about them?"

Deon hesitated "they short, but terrible, i am standing in front of this man with brown hair and green eyes" deon stopped for moment, takes a deep breath and continues "he was smiling at me? He kneeling while been attacked, and someone goes for his neck and the dream end there"

"Do you know who he is? Have you ever seen him before this ?" Cale asked

"No i have never met this person, but when ever in these nightmares, i feel so much hurt and desperation" deon held his chest, his eyes getting blurry. Cale tried to comfort him

Man with brown hair and green eyes ? Strange. I make sure to look into it. Then raon came and starting comforting him as well

He left after putting deon and raon to sleep.


I have no idea what stuff i was on while writing this

And thank you all so much for 2k+ reads <3

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