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Mrs.Jeon and tae was loughing loud looking at jungkook's childhood photo album

Mrs.Jeon: see this one it was taken when kook was 2 years old and was crying over a stuffed bunny he used to play alot with that Bunny but one day a dog took that Bunny away tbh he cried so much that day even he doesn't eat anything so his dad have to bring even it was raining heavily that day and it was night around 1 AM  shops were closed but luckily he founded one and give him then he was super hunger and next day he was holding his stomach cause it was paining so much due to overeating

They both Lough at our baby koo

Tae: ohh my poor hubby he was so cut still he is so cute

Mrs.Jeon: yeah but I'm sure that my grandchild will be more cute them him

Tae giggle and they continue look and Loughing at the photo album

Time skip~

Tae go to jungkook who was in his home office he opened the door and saw his husband working with full concentration he go towards him and stand beside his hubby

Jungkook's pov

I was working in my home office when suddenly I heard door opening sound and I know who it could be so I don't look and pretend like I don't noticed him he come and stand beside me

Tae: hubby

Me: yes baby

Tae: Hubby I'm board let's play somthing

I looked at him and closed my laptop then go to the bed and pull him on my lap I hugged his waist I really love hugging him like this

Me: so what you wanna play my beautiful wifey

Tae: anything

Me: what about watching a romantic movie

Tae: hmm ok but not romantic

Me: then??

Tae: action movie hubby please

Me: oh so you want our baby to watch action movie and be like that

Tae: I don't know

And wait his reaction Changed what suddenly happened

Me: love what happened??

Tae: hubby I don't wanna watch movie

Me: then what you want??

He get up and pulled me closer he whispered somthing in my ear making my little go hard

Tae: you~

He then pushed me on the bed and climb on me he rubbed his lips on my jawline

Me: baby don't tease otherwise it will be hard for you

Tae: and I want that Daddy don't you want your princess han!

Me: princess you enough played with me now it's my turn

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