6 2 0

TW: slight panic attack, small crash not very serious though.
Three days have passed since that interview. Today was another race. And he wasn't going to let dream claim it not one bit. Because no one is touching what's his.

Hearing the radio man talk about today's players and race track. He had his headphones on currently listening to Champagne Coast by Blood Orange. It was a song he always listened to before racing. It helped focus him and keep him keep his mind from wonder to far off.

He loved that song so much that no matter how many times he's played it he would never get tired of it. That's how good it was to him. He heard knocks on the door. It was Mike. "You ready?" He asked softly. George answered with a yeah and they head out to the garage. He walked into the garage with his dark blue, white and black suit. He carried his helmet under his arm.

The walked out onto the track so they could do the national anthem. Walking out he saw Dream in his forest green and white suit, followed by his helmet. Dream gave him a dead in the eye look which was a bit chilling. He wasn't going to kill him on the track right? He kept glancing back at dream during the anthem.

One the national anthem was done he put on his white mask before putting his helmet on. Got into his car. "You got this George, don't let him get into your head" Mike told him. With that they shut the door leaving George alone. He looked over his shoulder and saw Dream talking to his engineer. After a while they were instructed to go. "Alright as soon as that light turns green it's all us." George took a deep breath and held it for a couple more moments and let it go.

The light turned green and the cars were off. Already at the start someone had crashed. He hoped they were okay. He knew it wasn't Sapnap or Dream because he saw them close to him. Which was good but still bad because someone could be injured. "Alright George you're coming up on number 67 watch out that one can be quite bit of a bully." He sped up next to it but he was getting boxed. "Mike what do I do they're boxing me in" Mike thought for a second before responding.

"Move your way George." George paused for a second and smirked. He pressed of the breaks making the two cars slam next to each other. George quickly sped back up. "13th place George you're doing great. You got this George, head in the game."

That's what George loved about Mike. He always told him things to make him feel better. He was the best engineer he could ask for. He was like his best friend.

Time skip :0

It was the fourth lap George was in 10th place he couldn't get passed 69 he kept trying to crash into him. He sped up right next to it right next to him. He about to speed up a bit more until he swerved to its left and crashed into George.

Making George spin in circles losing control, right on the grass making him lose his place. He started to panic it his ears were ringing. His a breaths felt like they were shorting. The world was spinning. He heard a muffled voice he couldn't recognize who it was. "GEORGE! George! Listen to me! You're gonna be okay. I'm right here George it's okay. Don't worry." It was Mike

"I'm here" he said quietly. "You're here" George said. "I am and I always will be. I'm here for you forever now and it's staying that way" George started to calmed down until he realized he's gonna let Dream take his spot. He couldn't let him. He got furious.

"Fuck!" George yelled he pressed on the gas pedal and zoomed it. He last place, last place all because of that stupid guy. He was was mad. He blocked out the voice of Mike he need to concentrate. 'Smooth and steady George' he thought to himself.

"You say a plan and stay with it no matter what George." He told himself. He went to to talk back to Mike "Alright Mike when I say I'm going keep my spot I'm going to keep it. When they take it they won't have it for long. It's only to get them distracted so I can pass them." He said as he was passing multiple cars.

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