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There was a dinner party being held tonight in a ball room. Every racer had been invited to join in to have a nice feast and to celebrate all the wins that came these past few weeks. But all to enjoy some time off considering that the next race wasn't until a month.

Its was currently around 10:30 am, George was still yet to be awake. Sleeps early but yet still always wakes up late. There were no interviews today so he had all day to stay in bed until the dinner party.

He had hours until he had to get up and wear a fancy uncomfortable suit for five hours. Well not hours but around 6 hours. Sadly time goes by fast when you're having fun laying in bed. Snuggling up in his warm sheets and digging his head further into the pillow.

Maybe he was more vigorously competitive on the tracks. Making sure he's there to keep his position. Waiting to attack like a bloodthirsty lion viciously waiting for the right moment pounce at the antelope. Always making it his mission to keep his position even if he were to lose that race, he was to never lose his position.

He hadn't always been good at racing; but he didn't always protect his position either. It was his fourth ever race, with him in 9th place. Dream kept teasing the poor boy and it was annoying George.


He was stressing the hell out; Dream was teasing him and it didn't help either showing as he was 9th place. He was furious keeping it all up bottled made him more uncomfortable. Feeling as he was about to explode out of rage.

Like a bottle of soda after it being shook the moment you take that lid off it'll explode. He couldn't take it anymore clutching onto the steering wheel hard. His arms straightened out in front of him. Pushing his foot down further onto the gas pedal.

"George, stop" a static voice was heard from his ear. He knew who it belonged to but he just couldn't stop. He needed to release all of it; it was pressuring him to hard. Pushing him way over the limits. He slowly drops his foot downward onto the pedal.

Seeing ahead a gorgeous gap waiting patiently for him. He drops it and speeds right past the car making him 8th. Still furiously burning up he kept pushing his foot down. "George understand that you're going to explode out of anger sooner or later " Mike stated before continuing "control yourself George" he gritted.

Finding himself to keep going, still fuming. Right behind 7th place but they weren't giving it up. Blocking George from claiming it swerving left and right. Only making George steam up more. 'Fuck' he muttered under his breath. 'Come on George, come on' dragging out the n.

It was the last lap and he was 8th and only focusing on the top five. A turning was needed for him to pass this irritating guy. He was close to one so he moved to the right. Tying up with the guy, fighting back in forth of who was taking the lead.

George was uncontrollably close to breaking. Ears ringing like a tea kettle screaming. His breaths getting heavier by the second. The turn was coming up and as soon as it did; George pressed the button and accelerated forward. Making him go up to seventh place. The guy was not far behind.

Speeding upon him, the finish line was so close yet so far away. Only thing that was on his head was top five. While his head was focused on that he didn't take notice of the car coming up on him. Close to just passing him. "George! Focus! Right behind you he's going to pass block him! Head in the game!"

Twisted Storm || dreamnotfoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora