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"George you have an interview to go to today. And you have to go with Dream." George was in the living room of his hotel. It was currently 12 pm and was watching a movie before he rudely got interrupted by a phone call. "I don't want to go" not with Dream.

"Well I'm sorry but you have to go George" George groaned annoyingly. He doesn't want to go to some dumb interview even more with Dream going. But he had no choice but to go. He was tired and wanted to relax but he had to go and interview.

"Fine, what time" he said with no emotion. "Around 2 but there's a bit of a biggy..." his voice trailed off. George sighed "what is it" it took a few seconds to answer "the car to pick you up is going around 1 to pick you up. It's an hour away." George paused before quickly getting up to get ready.

"AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME?!? You had allll this time to tell me but you didn't. I only have 30 minutes to get ready. I have to go take a I shower I'll see you soon." He hung up and got his clothes and turned the shower on.

Once he was done he he got changed, brushed his teeth and dried his hair. He was wearing dark blue baggy jeans with a black t-shirt and some black shoes. He didn't need to be fancy for interviews it's a choice but he always just went casual. As soon as he was ready he got a text message saying that the car was here. He walked out of his hotel room and locked the door and made his way to the lobby.

Fresh breeze blew past him as the automatic sliding doors opened. He walked towards the black car and saw opened the car door. "Oh come on" he whined. He debated on running back up to his room and not go but he wasn't childish. So he did the most mature thing and got inside.

Dream was sitting right next to him right behind the driver and Sapnap was sitting in the passenger seat. 'What a lucky ba-' his thoughts were cut off as he felt his thigh being kicked. He looked over to see Dream trying to lay down to sleep. "What are you doing?" He asked rolling his eyes. Dream looked up "What? It's a one hour drive I'm not staying awake the whole time."

"Yeah yeah whatever, just give me space too" They were struggling to get comfortable since one had long legs and the other well was short. Sapnap turned to look in the back noticing they were trying to get comfortable but were struggling. "You know, you guys could always cuddle, It'd be wayyy more comfy" Sapnap said wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

The two were quick to stop what they were doing to look at Sapnap. "Absolutely not!" They both said at the same time. "Right okay anyways I tried to help you guys are all on your own." He said before turning back around to sleep. The two looked at each other and gave each other a disgusted look. They both sat normally on their seats not moving nor talking.

George laid his head on the window starting to drift off into sleep while Dream was leaning his head back onto the head rest. They didn't cuddle with each other of course. But they did wake up to George having his head on dreams shoulder and dreams head on top of George. They were quick to move apart from each other and get out of the car.

They interview had a been going on for about an hour. Asking Sapnap many questions like if plans to race in the next one, or whether he wants to meet anyone. They asked George and Dream many questions as well. Go back and forth between the three.

A question caught Dream off guard though. One specific question. "Do you think you'll ever be able to pass George and still the spot without you losing it?" George snickered at the question. Dream shot a glance at George. Before answering the question.

"Yes I believe so, maybe it'll only be once or twice but I do believe I'll be able to pass him and take that spot without losing it." He said confidently before continuing. "George will lose it one day and I will make sure he does." A smirk grew on both Dream and George.

The interviewer nodded his head and smiled before turning to Sapnap to ask him his question. George looked over at Dream was looking forward. He felt George's stare burn into the side of his face. He saw George lean towards his ear.

"Look dream, I've said this before and I will always repeat it for you to hear. You will never take my spot. I don't know who you are trying to prove me wrong but no matter how hard you try. No matter how hard you train, no matter how hard you fight I will always, always claim it back. What's mine is mine, understood?" George said in a stern voice. Dream could feel George's smirk grow.

He didn't answer George he kept quiet so he wouldn't please him. "Do you understand?" He hissed. He clutched his hands into a fist. He wasn't going to satisfy him by answering him with what he wants to hear. He turned to look at him and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Oh George, you don't know that. I could've rammed my car into yours when we were turning but I didn't. I would never want to hurt poor Georgie because than I wouldn't be able to to claim your spots anymore." He leaned away and with a pout on his face.

It only pissed him off more. "Alright Dream you want my spot take it. Just know I will always and forever take it back. Because it's mine and no one will take it away unless that person is me. So go ahead and believe what you want but just know. It's. My. Spot." He spit out in a whisper. "Maybe you think that you can have it because I'm small but no. I'm may not be the best but I'm good enough to take my spot back. Think about it dreamie. Now we're going to get back into this interview. We are going to laugh like if I just something funny. Understood?"

Dream looked around to round annoyed and pissed off. Clutching his hands in a fist even harder. "Fine" they both quickly laughed to gain not much attention but to make it look as if they were buddy's. Great buddys. Dream pat George's shoulder harshly. "You're done for George" and kept laughing.

"We'll see about that dream" he laughed again

1136 words

OMG THREE THATS CRAZY AINT IT??? Thank you for reading luvs <333 I hope you're enjoying it!

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