
22 4 1

The weekend went by really quick. I got invited to hang out with the girls but I declined cuz I was trying to rest my ankle.

I guess that worked because I woke up on Monday feeling so much better and was able to walk. I ignored my parents nagging and left without my brace but it felt fine.

I was on my way to the bus when I saw an old man being too old to bend down and grab his wallet. I felt like I had to help him because I noticed so I started to run up but suddenly someone ran past me and got to the old man first. I guess I'm not the only kind person on this road today.

I watched as the person helped the old man and laughed to myself because this is how ladybug and cat noir became superheroes until I saw the person turn around. My smile dropped. I scowled as I made the rest of my way to until I got in the bus 🚌 🚍

"Didn't know you were capable of helping people." I said with a straight face. "I want to apologise for snatching your book from you"

I kept silent and waited for a response from the person standing next to me


Ugh I can't fucking stand this guy

"You could at least also apologise for not stopping the bus for me." I said snapping my head in his direction "That was a bitch move Barou"I slightly raised my voice but it wasn't a problem since the bus was bustling with students

"Why should I? Didn't your mum teach you to keep your hands to yourself? It was my way of getting you back" He responded in a calm tone that really pissed me off

I know it was wrong of me to do that but seriously. How insecure is he that he got offended at 'Maid Barou'. Ugh I don't care if he doesn't forgive me I just don't wanna be awkward at school. "Didn't your mum teach you to be a good boy? And not to be rude to girls?" I said but immediately felt dumb

This wasn't a laughing matter so I kept my face stern. "Fine I'm sorry for that but you got home didn't you, and your ankles isn't broken or anything"

...is this guy fr

"That's not an apology I don't accept." I said and got off since we got to school.

My head was really hurting and I felt so embarrassed. That is not how I expected my apology to go but whatever at least he accepted mine. 🤓

Whatever even if he didn't forgive me I think I could survive.

"Wait, Arin" I heard Barou running up to me from behind. "I mean... um maybe, cuz you know? And because I —"

"Hey!! Hatsumo Arin, the home room teacher is calling for you." A classmate of mine told me.

I looked at Barou and he was just standing 🧍. "Well I've got to get going" I scoffed


"I love school. Sometimes you just gotta enjoy learning and even the troubles that come with it. It's a gift many people aren't blessed with."

"What are you talking about?" From the corner of my eye I could see the confusion on Mika's face

"The history teacher didn't give me a weeks detention. She just wants me to write a 3000 words essay 🤗"

"And that's better how?" She laughed and focused on her lunch. "Eat up you've got a couple of words to write"

I guess

"Sooooo Mika??? Did you call Otoya yet 🫣" I asked

I saw Mika blush and she started giggling like crazy

"Did I??? Ofc I did omg basically" she started and put her food to the side "I messaged him when I went home I said 'hey this is Mika' and he was like 'aw your even cute on text' and I was like 'thank you?' And then we started talking about everything and anything and did you know that Otoya loves churros just like me! Since you and Hieri HATE churros i thinks that's cool. And then it got really late so he called it a night and he asked to see me today so I was like oh yeah sure why? And he said it's a secret and he had something special for me 🤭"

"WHAT OMG THATS CRAYZ??! You're so lucky girl I wishhhhhh I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!"

"RIGHT and I'm so nervous about today I didn't ask what time so idk when to expect it!" She said

"YOU'RE GONNA GET A BF BEFORE ME THATS SO NOT COOL BUT IM TOO HAPPY TO CARE RN" I shook her around  but I was grinning like an idiot rn. I don't really care if she gets a bf before me I was so happy more than anything.

"Don't jinx me!!" She threw her hands up to her face and backed up away from me.

I wonder when I'll get a bf. It's been a while since I had a crush, actually it's been like 5 years. My last crush was Kise Ryota but I moved away so I kinda forgot about him. Now that I think about it I was too basic 🫢.  But I'm not sure if I do have a crush on this person or something.

"Don't worry Mika if I see him talking to another girl il make sure he knows who he was messing with 👊😠" Hieri said looking up from her phone

"When was the last time you had a crush Hieri?" Mika asked her

Hieri looked at us for a bit and looked back down "My last crush was Megumi and that was last year, nowadays there aren't really anymore 🥵 people yk" she put her hand on her nose for a bit before go in back to her phone.

"What about you Arin?" Mika asked me

"Um I haven't had a crush in this school yet but here are a few people 😉" I winked at her

"Like??? Who 😙" She inquired but the bell rang and I wanted to be early for art since it's my fav!

"Nvm let's get going quick" I said standing up and putting my stuff together

"Nooo you started now you gotta tell me! You can't just do that Arin" she complained

"There's a few good looking people in this school, for example Isagi.." I blushed and threw my dishes on the table and made my way out of the canteen

"Omg I knew it!!!! Come back Arin don't leave!!!!" Mika shouted from behind me

"See you in art class guys" I blew a kiss and ran to my locker


1137 words

This book is about to be SLOWBURN AFF


I lied Kise Ryota is not basic at all but Izumi is like 10x better imo

I forgot to post this chapter hehe soz my fellow 12 readers 😝😝

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