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I forgot to mention but this is a Friday

Be C

*ding dong

"Now the pizza's here guys! Not it" I said quickly. A bunch of 'not it's' were followed and the last one left was Megumi and he was not very happy about it. As if the door wasn't right there but okay.

"I'm gonna go get plates from the kitchen you guys set up the movie, we're watching horror" I said getting up to make my way out

"Noooo anything but horror please guys" Nishinoya pleaded.

"What? Can't man it Noya? Has Yachi's girly-ness got to you??" Karasu teased.

"Yeah Noya I won't give my shoulder to cry on when the jump-scares come on" Tanaka said

"Wha- huh? I can totally watch them I'm not scared hah.. Wa-watch me" Noya said snuggling in his blanket and scooching closer to Hieri

"Don't worry Noya-san I'll save you" Hieri whisper-shouted with a proud look on her face.

"Aargh" Noya shouted


I went to the kitchen and started to bring out some plates and remembered we had two matching plates that my mum brought my dad. This would be perfect for Mika and Otoya I thought and brought them out. It helps that they have hearts on them

Ugh my parents are so cheesy

"Guys get the drinks ready too!" I shouted

"On it" Itadori replied

Yeah work you dogs 🗣️

I was busy trying to put the plates together and balance them when all of sudden I saw a shadow behind me "AAHHH" I screamed and turned around
"What the fuck?" I said after seeing who it was

"What?! You scared me too" Karasu said with his hands up

"What are you even doing here. Go back to the living room"

"Actually I came here to get water since the girls bullied me into getting it myself but I noticed you staring into those matching plates for a while. Who are you matching with Arin?" He questioned. Lol wasn't he sharp 😱

"Oh my gosh you don't think I'm trying to match with you do you?" I laughed and put the plates down. He just looked at me with a grin. "Omg ewww no Karasu I did not. And I don't have any other plates left." I lied and quickly shut the cabinet so he didn't see inside

"Whatever it was worth a shot" he said and made his way out

"At least help me??" I shouted. Ugh loser who's only good at gelling his hair up. Maybe I should get some tips.

**in the middle of the second movie time is *10:37 parents came home at 10

'If we stay quiet and hold our breaths I don't think he'll find us Julie. Just be sure to stay quiet.' Anne whispered to her friend under the other bed

'I'm scared Anne I'm scared' Julie siad loudly. 'Help me please'

Anne snapped her eyes shut at the doorsteps that stopped in front of the door

Urgently Anne put her finger to her lips and shushed Julie but the little 13 year old child was fucking dumb and unable to comprehend

'I'm scaredddd' Julie wailed. And the door creeked

He was in. Fuck. As the masked man circled around the room the girls kept their eyes closed and didn't dare breathe.

'I love you mum and dad' Anne said in her head


"AHHHHHH" We all screamed

"THAT IDIOT" Nobara screamed all whilst Noya was under the blankets and Mikas face was burrowed behind Hieri.

Anne's eyes opened and she looked at the bed Julie was once under. In a shaky breath 'Julie?' Anne said

Anne saw boots behind the bed that Julie was under and a pair of bare feet and smacked her hand to her mouth.

"YEAHHH" we all roared in happiness "FINALLY THE BITCH IS DEAD YE YA"

"I can sleep peacefully tonight" Karasu said

"Shut up you were hugging me so tight with your eyes closed. You didn't even see a thing" Otoya quickly remarked. We all had a laughing break and went back to the movie

Anne crawled out of the bed and made a dash for the door but something was thrown at her. "AHHHHH" Anne screamed at the top of her lungs and her legs shook with fear, hot tears streaming down her face. She couldn't even run out the door and stared down at what was thrown

The head of Julie. Her daughter she raised for 14 years.

** movie ends

"Ah that movie was so fun." Itadori said. "I have the perfect movie for number three. The human earthworm III came out last week. This atmosphere is per-" he was cut off

"Ain't NOBODY watching that wormo man 🙏😭" Nobara deadpanned

"Aw man. Fumiko gets it 🙄" he said and sulked for a bit. "How bout we play a game. Loser gets ice cream?" He suggested.

YES that is perfect for Otoya and Mika thank you pink haired boy.

"Yesss I love games. Who's got any ideas?" I said

"How about something simple like cards?" Megumi suggested.

"Boorrrinngggg" Nobara booed

"Alright cards it is." Megumi said and brought out the deck he had brought.

"Okay then we play mafia and the loser gets ice cream and pays. I'm not giving you out of my pocket" I said.

"Deal" Me and Megumi shook hands

Thus the game of mafia started. But first drinks.


Nobora and I swept our way around like sneaky assassins trying to find an opening.

"3, 2, 1!" I mouthed to her and she set off. She 'fell' down and pushed Mika into Otoya and he caught her.

"Woah there babe, falling for me already?" He winked at Mika causing her to go red. Nobara and I high fived and got front row seats to watch.


"Shhh" A finger pressed again her lips and shut her up. Nobara, Hieri and I burst into laugher at that cringe ahh shit 😭

"Bro are we really rooting for her to get with HIM?" Hieri questioned with a belly full of laughter

"LMAO" We laughed at our silly selfs

"Can we just play already??" Itadori said "my brother wants me home by 12"

"Okay kid" we laughed

1040 words

Cote xx

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