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"Mum pleaseeeeee" I begged holding the sleeve of her shirt

"No baby I already told you. I ain't doing no side tracks taking you to school. Get on the bus or on the train." She replied..almost like she didn't LOVE me.

"I'll hop off at FishCorps and walk the rest PLEASEEE"

"Stop being so persistent I didn't raise you annoying" she said "and no! But it will give you 20 extra in your lunch money today as a sorry" simultaneously pulling out her wallet and taking out a 20

"Oh thanks ig. Make it 30 if you're bad." I said with a slight smirk on my face

"You cannot be saying that shit to mum Arin" my older sister just said from the table 😠

"Huh" my mum inquired "what did she say?"

"I said maid it 40 if your a bad gyal" I said feeling confident

"Ohhhh how bout I make it -40 and let you starve today" she growled

"Oop I think it'll be rush hour if I don't leave now! Bye guys see ya never ☹️" I rushed out the door and down the street


Fuck I was literally considering walking to school this was NoT it. Angry men running with their suits and women and their miniskirts. Pushing shoving. And shouting. Older people acting like this is embarrassing but like I have a cast I'm gonna get a seat first.

The bus slowed down and halted. I literally ran to the doors and swam through a bunch of strong smelling men until I reached the inside. I looked around for a vacant seat my eyes flying all over the place.

I saw one. Preparing myself mentally and physically I bolted. Ignoring the pain from my ankle I dived into the seat and bashed heads with someone. Omg these stupid 9 to 5 people who are so rude wanna beat up little highschool girls now.

I scoffed and looked up making eye contact with my abuser. Readying my sentence for this ADULT until I saw the person it was

"Barou?" I said in disbelief

"What is it with you and hitting me? Move I was here first" he said trying to sit down.

Ugh this baka. I quickly tried to sit down but he grabbed the top of my shirt and pulled me back. "Get off me" I squirmed tryna get out of his grip.

"No I was here first" he repeated. Do I actually look like I care. This was war, Barou. I did a cool twist and his grip became loose. I poked his side and while his guard was down I sat down and got this seat.

"Hmph. I won now go and stand in a corner and sulk the whole rude to school." I said proudly. He just stared at me with a slight smile on his face. His hand was at his side that I poked.

Finally the train started to move.

From the corner of my eye I saw my worst enemy. A pregnant woman. Oh shit. This is the worst case scenario for a teenage girl in the bus at rush hour. She looked around in the cramped space and I immediately looked down. I had a chance because I had a cast maybe she would cut me some slack.

"Miss please, there is a free seat here." My head snapped up and I saw Barou leading the pregnant women here.

"Oh thank you so much. There's still hope in children these days" she smiled and walked directly up to me.

I did my best glare at Barou and put on a sweet smile for the lady. "Here you go ma'am, enjoy this ride. Congratulations" ☺️ inside tho I was fuming. Fym??

As I helped her to sit I 'accidentally' stepped on his foot. "OWWW" he screamed and I could hear him hopping.

"Shut up. It was an accident dude" I turned around to laugh at him but saw spiky hair right in beside me. I did NOT step on Barou 💯I slowed down and stared at the ground. Today is not my day. Yare yare. Preparing an apology I looked at my victim.

Yeah bye. I'll let myself out this train. Ain't no way this skinny, eye bags for days, thing brimmed glasses, briefcase, raggedy suit and papers of manga in his other hand is gonna let me off

"Sir, I'm so sorry I thou- "

"Oh shut it little girl. I heard what you said and you aren't sorry. Japan shouldn't even allow you idiot kids to be on buses when you don't have work to go to. Schools should have busses assigned to you dumb children. I'm sick and tired of hearing young people laugh and joke about the elders. Have you worked a day in your life?" He ranted. "I want you to get on your knees and ask for forgiveness from me." I heard someone snicker from beside me.

Is this guy serious. "I'm sorry sir, please accept my apology but I will not be getting down in my knees for stepping in your toes." I replied rolling my eyes at Barou's snickering

"You brat. I ought to-"

"All that cuz you're a baby and can't tough it out like a man? They should put you back in school" I said. This stupid old man who was pushing 40 couldn't even handle a little bit of pain.

Everyone on the train was now watching this go down and I saw some worried faces. The man who looked like his name would be something like Jinpachi Ego started to turn a bright red. I thought the veins on his neck would pop by how big they got.

"You bitch!" He yelled and got his hand out and tried to hit me. I flinched and closed my eyes ready for impact but it never hit.

I peeked my eye open and Barou was holding the man's hand and he was standing in front of me. I could see nothing but the broadness of his back and the defined muscles. I could look at this sight all day 🤤.

"Wow, an adult hitting a girl over a mere accident? You're quite the role model aren't you?" Barou said coolly.

"ARGH YOU CHILDREN??!!!" He started to stutter and spit all over the place. "I WANT YOU OFF THIS TRAIN THIS INSTANT." He yelled and the train came to the next stop. Luckily for this man this was my stop and ways so I grabbed Barou and ran off the train with him.

Before i left I made sure to stick my tongue out at the guy and laughed when I saw him start to sweat and turn brighter red than before.


I was walking in a comfortable silence with Barou as we neared the school. I didn't know how to start the conversation. Should I thank him?

I mean it's not like I needed help anyway cuz I could have totally dealt with that myself but. Whatever I guess.

"Well your eyes were closed and you couldn't see anything? Yeah I also think you could've dealt with it yourself. Also you can stop holding my hand now" he deadpanned and I immediately snatched my hand away.

Shit. I was speaking out loud 😬

"I totally could have and it's not like I wanted to hold your hand anyways😒" I said and bolted away.


Good thing I saw Mika from a distance.

1267 words

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