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"Stay in focus George" he heard from the earpiece. He grips the steering wheel harder seeing a gap between two of the cars. Waiting for the right moment to go. Sweat drips down his face as he starts to speed up a bit. "Alright George nice and smooth,"

He steps on the peddle and speeds right past both cars. He's top 5 now; all he needs is to get into third place and he wins. "Nice and smooth George" he tells himself. Keeping a straight face on even if it means he's a step closer to that spot. Who knows what could happen, for all who knows he could lose that spot right now.

But he wouldn't dare to let anyone take it. George is a very competitive guy; never lets anyone pass by him. But if they do, George doesn't let them have it for very long. He gets what he wants. "Alright George your only 6 seconds away from number eight"

Number eight, a tall dirty blonde hair boy with emerald eyes, Dream. The worse person of all, well that's what George thought. Dream and George have always been racing together since George's third race. They both hated each other. Dream always pissed George off and George always pissed Dream off.

Speeding up right next to eight smirking. "Gotcha" seeking for the right moment to pass him. Dream notices but isn't going to let the dumb brunette pass him. Not one shot is he going to let George over take him. Pressing on the gas harder. "Don't let him take it George" he hears his race engineers say.

George getting more pissed off as Dream starts to pass him. Gritting his teeth as his face falls into a serious face once again. But he won't let that stupid man pass him not today not ever. He wasn't letting his spot go. "I'm going to let him pass," he hisses to into the mic attached to his helmet. "What?!, are you dumb George? You won't make it past him"

"I will trust me, never once have I let anyone pass me." But he has, only to get the persons hopes up and get them distracted, before putting full boost and passing them. The engineer smirks before telling George "alright George, do it".

The brunette lets his enemy pass him still keeping his straight serious face on. Looking forward seeing Dream was now next to car in third place. He waits for the perfect opportunity to boost and pass both. The turn starts to come up seeing it as a wonderful moment to over take them. George shifts to the left a bit.

Everything starts to slow down, hearing his loud heart beat. He takes a deep breath clutching the steering wheel even harder. If he hadn't had his gloves on his white knuckles would be visible. "Nice and smooth George, nice and smooth.."

"Alright Dream you can hate on me but you can't pass me, you will never pass me" he hisses to no one but himself. He takes one last final deep breath in and lets it out. "Go!" Pressing the button on his steering wheel. Making it push him back a bit.

Speeding up really fast and passing them. He wanted to smirk but didn't want to get ahead of himself, the finish line was more ahead. There was still so much that could happen. He was now in third place only a few seconds away from second place. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! You saw guys saw that? That was allll him!" His engineer yells proudly so that everyone around him could hear.

George wished he could smile but he couldn't let himself get distracted. He was still in race after all. "Alright George you passing up on thirty-one, you cars faster then his, no need to rush." He passed right past the car in front of with no struggle.

"Aw shit, eight is starting to catch up to you" George quickly looked over to his wing mirror and saw him. But by looking at his face he was pissed off. "Back for more dream?" He scoffed. Dream sped past thirty one really easily.

The finish line was in his view now but Dream was right next to him. He looked ahead, no where else not even to the pissed off dirty blonde. He had no time to play around. If he is in second place he's going to stay in second place. And no one is going to take that from him. No one.

Blocking out whatever his engineer was saying to him through the earpiece. He looked over to his right and saw his black and forest green colored car. He looked back and squinted his eyes a bit. Pushing down on the button giving him full speed. Seeing as Dream has done the same thing, but it didn't stop him from slowing down. He kept going.

Both speed right past the finish line, but neither knew who got second. He started to slow down and staring to make his way to the garage. "Mike what did I get" he said. Mike was the engineer that talked to him during these races. "Mike!"

He made it to the garage followed by Dream. He quickly got out and was greeted by Mike and everyone else jumping up and down. "George! You got second!" Mike said wrapping his arm around George shoulder jumping up and down.

He smiled and threw his fist up in the air and started going crazy like everyone else. Looking over to Dream who was giving them a disgusted look. George mocked his expression making the blonde scoff and roll his eyes. The brunette watched him walk away. He was proud.

950 words

OKAY I MAY HAVE OR MAY HAVE NOT STARTED A NEW BOOK WITHOUT FINISHING THE OTHER. But I've been wanting to write this for a while now. I'm going to put a pause on 'My beautiful star' for now. I HOPE TOU ENJOY!!!! Thanks you for reading!!!!

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