Like before (MJ/Peter, Skip, Irondad)

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TW: SA/rape (non-descriptive, no smut.), vomiting, panic attacks

Peter struggles to navigate his relationship with MJ after he is sexually assaulted by the one and only Skip Wescott.

"No, don't stop." Peter whispered, his eyes closed, smiling as MJ pulled away from the kiss to take a deep breath. She smiled back at him and softly pushed their lips back together, tuning out the movie playing on the TV in front of MJ's bed.

Her parents were away for the weekend, so she decided to be a teenager and invite him over, hoping they could be rebellious, make out, love on eachother a bit privately where they could just enjoy each other's presence.

Peter was laying down and MJ was bent over him, kissing him on the lips, running her perfect hands through his soft hair. He knew he probably had better things to be doing right now, saving people around Queens, his homework, but even SpiderMan deserved to be selfish sometimes. There was no way he was pulling away from this.

He deepened the kiss.


When Peter was younger, he was sexually assaulted by his babysitter. It wasn't a good time in his life. He was silent, struggled to eat for months, didn't hug May or Ben for nearly a year after his perpetrator moved away.

Skip Wescott.

The name left a bad taste in his mouth. He didn't even know what sex was when he had it for the first time. All he knew is that it hurt and that it was wrong. Very wrong. He found out years later and everything hurt all over again.

But when he found MJ, things were okay. She respected his boundaries, understood the days he didn't want to be touched without asking why. She didn't know why. No one did. He didn't think anyone ever needed to know.

But when he came home from MJ's house the next morning, sleepy, calm, and happy, he regretted every moment of silence.

There he was, Skip Wescott, standing in his living room, a mug of tea in his hand, making conversation with his aunt May.

Immediately Peter's stomach was twisting with nerves. His mouth felt dry and his hands felt sweaty, "May? What's going on?" He asked, his voice coming out much shakier than he would have preferred.

"Peter! You're home! Look who's back in town after graduating college, it's Skip! I bumped into him at the convenience store and invited him over." She explained turning back to Skip after, "honey, it is so nice to see you again."

It was not nice to see him again.

Peter hated this. He hated every inch of this. He hated how Skip was still taller than him. Bigger than him. Stronger than him. He hated how he still froze whenever he saw that dirty smirk on the man's face. He hated the nausea mixing up his stomach. He hated that Skip knew he still hadn't told anyone. That he wouldn't tell anyone. He hated that the man who sexually assaulted him was now back and had his adress.

"May, yeah, I was actually coming back to see if I could spend the day with MJ." He asked carefully, keeping a nervous eye on Skip.

"Oh, come on. Let's all spend the day together! Reunite! We've been saving up, it's a beautiful day. We could go to Coney even." May offered, clearly excited. She missed Peter's anxious body language.

"Oh, no no I couldn't ask you to spend that on me. Money is harder and harder to come by these days. Let's just wander, fall for the New York tourist attractions! There's a train in 10 minutes at the station down the block, we could do that instead." Skip offered, a smile on his face at spending time with the Parker family. With Peter.

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