DC falls apart (Peter and friends)

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(I'm a sucker for sick + care tropes so take more food poisoning)
Summary: Peter has never thrown up or had more than a cold before, so food poisoning hits him like a semi truck and the spider bite causes problems


"This burger tastes kinda funny..." Peter said after swallowing another bite, "Ned, what did you get?"

"I just got chicken and french fries." He answered, taking a sip of his soda as Peter finished his meal.

They left the restaurant satisfied and full.

They were in DC for the decathlon competition, the sidewalks were crowded and the petals of cherry blossoms were grinded into the pavement from the omnipresent flow of soles across the walkways.

It was a beautiful view of the sunset through the contained city as they walked back to their charter bus. The sky has faded itself into a smooth blend of bright orange and pink that he happily admired in front of MJ, who spouted something about how she liked staring at the black night sky instead. Ned said something about her being emo.

They happily conversated through the rest of the walk until they were on the bus. Peter got progressively quieter.

"Hey you okay? You've been quiet." Ned asked, elbowing him playfully as they waited in line to get on the bus.

Peter nodded and smiled, "yeah I just feel weird. Liked there's a tickle in my throat kinda."

MJ raised a brow, red flags raising at full mass as she observed how pale he'd become.

"Do you feel sick?" She asked.

Peter shook his head, "no no, just weird. I've never like- felt it before or anything. I know what being sick feels like."

Little did she know, their definitions of sick were very very different.

Peter had always gotten colds and allergies as a kid, but somehow had escaped the wrath of a stomach bug through his entire childhood, and then he got the spider bite and he barely even had to worry about allergies anymore. He wasn't even thinking about throwing up until they got on the bus.

He got the window seat. He felt crammed and sweaty and his stomach and throat really felt weird now. He barely felt like talking. The more he thought about it the more he felt like something was wrong.

Ned sat down next to him, "you okay, dude? You really don't look good."

"Wh- what does like, throwing up feel like?" He asked nervously, hunched over himself, trying to breathe from his mouth.

MJ was now turned to them too.

"Have you never thrown up before?" MJ asked from across the isle.

Peter shook his head, then his eyes went wide as he hiccuped slightly, his mouth instinctively opening and drool pooling in his mouth, a hand slipping under his chin.

Ned was quickly away and out in the isle, not wanting to get vomited on. He yelled for the bus to be stopped.

Peter looked up in fear, his eyes locking with MJ as his stomach tensed and he gagged.

He felt so dizzy and unsteady. He hastily used his free hand to put a hands on the back of the seat in front of him and the head of his own, raising himself up farther as he gagged again, loudly, gasping unevenly afterwards.

His breath was cut short as half of his dinner came rushing out of his mouth.

He hadn't even realized he had closed his eyes till he opened them and felt sticky stomach acid through his jeans and warm tears down his face. Unfortunately, he still felt extremely ill. Somehow he was paler than before.

spiderman angst/sickfic oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang