Chapter FORTY - Trust

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"I rather think she's fine where she is." Sebastian rose slowly, trailing his hand up to my shoulder and sending a chill along my skin, his other hand dipped into his pocket. The quick flicker of his hostility pricked up the hairs on my arms. "Feel free to say what you want here or not at all."

Anne hissed something across the table but he ignored her.

The goblin's beady eyes followed him, the wisps and wirey grey hairs atop his head jostled a bit, a rather stiff strand brushing over his forehead down to one of his bushy eyebrows. In all other ways aside his enlarged features, he reminded me of a gentle old man - years worth of knowledge dug under his nails, age spots dotted his skin and pressed between wrinkles.

Gazes locked and eyes conflicted, the two stared in silence a moment longer before the goblin's attention flicked down to mine once more.

"Forgive me. I only thought our interests may be alined..." He tapped the table gently, fingers running smoothly over the wood and turning his shoulder back the way he'd come, eyes glancing to Sebastian one last time. "Perhaps I was mistaken."

"Wait." My words leapt over broken trust, Sebastian's hand falling from my shoulder as I stood. The goblin continued away from us. Sebastian's hand brushed my wrist and his eyes pleaded into mine, a bit of Butterbeer foam he'd missed still clung to the edge of his lip.

His voice hushed, he spoke quickly. "Atley, please. I- have a bad feeling."

"He only wants to talk."

"But he's-"

"A goblin?" I spoke quickly, my fear and disgust of his prejudice pulling at my heart.

"-a stranger..." Sebastian finished breathily, a bit of hurt brushed against his cheeks. "...but- yes, goblins and wizardkind aren't on the best of terms as you very well know. They tried to k- I can't- I don't want you to get hurt." His eyes flicked across the table.

Anne and Ominis held eerily quiet, still in their respective seats but observing us closely. Ominis squeezed her hand.

"I'm just going to see what he has to say. I can hold my own if need be. Maybe he knows something about Ranrok that could give us an advantage."

"Atley. We need to worry about y-"

I turned quickly, cutting off the edge of his voice and trotting promptly after the goblin who had begun to collect his things from his table.

Noticing my rapid stride, he waved a dismissive hand. "I'm terribly sorry for causing a fuss. I'll be on my way."

I pressed forward anyway. "I'm... sorry about him. He just- we've been through a lot. He was just trying to protect me."

"From me?" The goblin laughed somberly but stopped his packing.

I held still to contemplate my response. "From everything."

The silence clung to the moment.

He eyed me curiously but made no move to speak again.

Extending my hand, I tried to let a fresh start pull from my fingertips, a smile gliding up my cheeks. "Please, come sit with me. My name is Atley Barlowe."

The goblin's black eyes flicked over my face, his lips twitching. 

I held my breath.

He nodded once and took my hand in his, the warmth of it encapsulating the entire thing. "Lodgok."

My smile widened, a small breath let out. "Pleasure to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you miss Barlowe."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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