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A/N: hey...erm, tbh I miss yall I'm growing up and 2024 definitely didn't start off good, doing better now but yeah, going to highschool soon and kinda scared but God has me now 💪💖 everything in this chapter is going to be from Crescents pov

Crescents POV: We've been separated into teams I'm with Merciless, Angst, Desire, Sprinke, Fury and Lurro and I'm guessing the rest is with Lux, not gonna lie I can't believe I'm getting excited to actually do something tiring for once but maybe it's to save PJ and Gradient.  "ALRIGHT!" My dad (Killer) began "Well first lets start off to see what you can do for know, I'll call each of you to demonstrate right now ." First up Crescent!" 'Ugh, why do I have to be first?" I used my tentacles and turned it sharp like a knife and stabbed through the soft pillow then I teleported somewhere random then came right back. "Hmm...." My dad started. "Your teleporting is okay.... needs a little work though." "You think you can go faster?" "I'll work on it." I replied "okay and I need you to try to stabbed something harder, the sharper your tentacles, the easier you can kill." My dad told me then he continued "You know, your dad would kill a 100 monsters in a sitting cause of his sharp tentacles!" 'Oh.' "Well that's nice." I told my dad.

Crescents POV: "Alright... next up is... Angst!" My dad shouted. I twisted my face into a half lidded bored expression while looking at my father. Well it seems now that he only wants his kids up first then I guess he'll get the others after his children first. Unlike me getting my powers from my father (Nightmare) Angst got his powers from dad. So what he can do is summon knifes, teleport and summon bones, he's not physically strong like me or wise but he makes it up for his mentality and determination. He summoned a knife and started to try to aim but missed miserably. "Uh...." he started. I just started laughing my buff off. "SHUT UP!!" Angst screamed cheeks turning a shade darker from embarrassment. "Well at least we have other stuff to work on!" My dad started "Honestly just work on everything...." My dad said with a teasing grin. Angst began to shy away from embarrassment. 

"Next up is..!! Merciless!" My youngest brother began to walk up to dad slowly with some hesitation but he was putting on a brave face for my dad. I sighed and stared at him in awe. I just remembered when he was first born, Angst was freaking out because he was also becoming an older brother (like me) and I just gave him the biggest stank eye ever, making him calm down. But I felt bad so I gave him tips i used when it was my first turn to be an older sibling and he did well taking care of Merciless. Then up to now. Wow time does fly doesn't it? (Real) he came from my father's past self how did that happen? Yall do NOT. wanna know okay that could be another story for another day but yeah. My brother summoned a apple and threw it at a dummy and the dummy bounced a little bit. I honestly didn't know what was happening but then the dummy started to slowly melt. Wait huh!

'Now how the heck did that even happen?' Well uh... okay. "Whoa!" My dad shrieked "How did you know what to do? Infant what DID you do?" "Well..." My brother started "I kinda went back to father's AU and I found a mysterious book near the ruined tree and I took it back here and started to read it has places to forbidden and non forbidden magic, tips and tricks and spells." "Merciless..." I started l. He gulped. "So you just thought 'oooooo! What I mysterious book in the middle of nowhere let's just go take it!' Are you serious right now?" I mentally and physically face palmed.  "Well umm..." Merciless eyes dashed around the place "Ugh, whatever let's just continue and end this." I said. Merciless then turned to me "Wait Crescent! What if you take the book to ur dream with you and maybe ask Gradient and Pj if the book would be useful to fight against whats holding them captive." Everyone gasped. "I mean that would make sense." My dad said. He then ribbed his finger over his chin and clasped his fist on the palm of his hand like he just figured something out. 

"Hey!" When we're done with training today why don't we try another new thing with Crescents sudden dreaming powers!" My dad said. "But it might be dangerous." I said "Alright then both your Father and Your uncle well enter with you. Just a try to seee if we could bring more than one person in the dream and each week or day we add 1 to then see if we can add the whole group and then we can try to fight off the evil little by little!" My dad said. "Wow I'm so smart." My dad said while doing his stupid pose when he has his hands on his hip and 1 finger to the top of his skull. I physically cringed and the others just gave their clueless stare. Oh. My. gosh. I think I'm tired of my family. "Well! Time to continue!" My dad started back up. "Merciless we'll talk about what you need help on after I am done with the others." "Next up is... Fury!" 'Okay time to continue..." I thought. 'I'm gonna have to try to talk to Gradient myself alone, even if it riskey.'

A/N: FINALLYYYY A CHAPTER AFTER SO LONG LAST TIME I UPDATED WAS NOVEMBER (3rd goated month of 2023) Ima try to upload more chapters but I'm gonna be busy with state tests coming up this month like one is this week so pray for me yall 😭🙏🏾 but yeah see yall later!! 1003 words (everything including A/N's.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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