Chpt 2My Family

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It has been a couple of days since Henry passed out after his massive fight between Malice and now he was slowly coming around his eye sight was a bit blurry but they eventually gained back his regular vision he started to pick up on some beeping noises coming from the heart rate machine it was pretty advanced it was nowhere close to his tech but nevertheless it wasn't bad. Groaning in slight pain after forcing himself to sit up he looked around and saw a that the whole room was pretty large and had multiple other beds and heat rate monitors with some other hospital equipment "They must get hurt a lot if they have all of this".

Henry: Zane? where are you little buddy?

When he didn't get a answer back he got a little worried but he relaxed just a little Zane was created to be a medical and assistant drone but Henry modified him so that he can protect himself if he should ever need it plus he added a little surprised just in case he gets to damaged from his attackers. Laying back down he started to think about all the years he's been in space training in different combat which was a lot who knew one planet could have such a difficult fighting style he also learned many alien language it was really difficult trying to remember that stuff but what's important is he can understand it. To think none of this wouldn't be happening if he was never a stupid kid who ran away after him and his parents got into a stupid argument about something dumb then he stumble on a crash site that was surrounded by huge white tents and strange men covered in head to toe in white hazmat suits. Before he can start to think about his past he saw was the door opening and came in was a man dressed in all black with pointy ears a long black cape that covered his whole body but he saw a white bat symbol on his chest with his white eyes and next to him was the last Martian at least he thinks it is. Henry stared at the two who hadn't said a word no doubt they're speaking telepathically damn telepaths so annoying always getting in your head finding your secrets or your next move such a difficult person to fight well it was a good thing one of his teachers was a telepath and taught him how to block out their mind reading to bad it didn't work on Koltn.

Henry: ok you guys can stop speaking telepathically and you Martian can stop reading my mind it won't work unless your a Leimea, or a Alvat which are fucking annoying to deal with.

Bat Figure: who are you? and why did you come to Earth?

Henry: well Mr. scary bat figure the Name is Shadowstar and I came to earth to... KILL YOU ALL AND TAKE OVER THE PLANET!!... *laughs* ah nah no i'm not even if I wanted to nobody wants to mess with the 'Justice League'.

Martian: you heard of us?

Henry: meh here and there everyone in the Galaxy is talking about how Earth has a powerful group of earthling superheroes who defeated the Darkseid himself which is very impressive plus they heard you had a Kryptonian and no one wants to deal with that oh I also heard you defeated Doomsday so once again not a lot of people would want to which is nice.

Marian: yes superman did do that but why are you here?

Henry: well it wasn't by choice I'll tell you that me and my buddy Zane was on our way to a planet to resupply and fix my ship until Malice showed up and fuck it up so that's why I'm here.

Bat Figure: are you human?

Henry: yeah like 95% human the other 5% is something special I can't tell you.

Martian: how come I couldn't read your mind?

Henry: simple very difficult mind training so what other questions do you have for me?

Bat Figure: how did you end up going to space?

Henry: I- I don't feel like talking about that? what's the next question?

The Hero From Spaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن