Before she did it, Jesus did.

2 0 0

Lo que quedó de la oruga comió el saltón, y lo que quedó del saltón comió el revoltón; y la langosta comió lo que del revoltón había quedado.

//??# What was that?

— Reyo: Please, look for Charles, Shamir, it's more than the afternoon, almost evening. Please, tell him to wake up.

— Shamir goes —

— Shamir: He was awake, he was actually super tired.

— Reyo: Hehe, my partner; Who would say that he would gone so far. Tell him to come.

— Shamir calls him —

— Reyo: Charles, how are you?.
— Charles: a bit kind of in the air.

— Reyo: Hehehehe, I can understand that. You have to be more patience, like a friend that I have. But you did great, you are already the next after me. But, I will ask you to be more temperant; Which means, to eat more helathier; It's actually a good habbit. I will buy something for you just to show you; Tell me; What would you want?.

— Charles:  A chocolate?.
— Reyo: Hahahahah, I WILL bring you something better, I will bring you a limon juice and an arepita hahahaha.

— Charles: It's ok. I am tired.

— Shamir: May I go with you Reyo?
— Reyo: Yes. And if anyone asks why anyone of us has a name different; We should answer with the truth significance. THAT would be more than enough.

— Shamir and Charles: Understood.

— Reyo: Thanks. Come Shamir, let me clean the water of my sandals; I was in the shawer.
— Shamir: And that thing over there?.
— Reyo: Which one?.
— Shamir: That game?
— Reyo: It has a significance. I have already won, Charles used to do those things sometimes with me hehe.

— Shamir: Oh, interesting.
— Reyo: Yes, with Jesuschrist everything is possible (While I look over and revokes a demon that tries to come from above).


Si Jehová de los ejércitos no nos hubiese dejado un resto pequeño, como Sodoma fuéramos, y semejantes a Gomorra.

— Jh 1:9




Reynald M. Rodriguez Ramirez



==:>Magnus Mefisto 



— Reyo: So, Charles, here we are. Next time please don't distract yourself with women.

— Charles opens the mouth: — But you were sleeping bro.
—  Reyo: Hahahah, I know you .;)


— Shamir: He brought four arepitas bro.

— Charles: And the juice?

— Reyo: Yeah, but let's pray.

—Charles AND Shamir *by their own*: Ok.

— A blooms shows over the sheets of my bible that I had found before...

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