7 am - Palestine attacks Israel

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"Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."
Mathew 26:34


Hi Unknowns,

Apparently I am reading in the news that Gaza is kind of the main focused target by Palestine. I guess that is because it is between Israel and Egipt.


Hey! Hey! Wake up!...

-- In Jesus I left this to be said in the right time, because the time of Israel is pretty different than mine.


Hey soldiers of Christ.

Apparently, as I said yesterday; They said that the war would "stop". But The Eternal showed me that they actually are like gussipers. They say something but do something very different.

For example, here's a recent new I have read:


"The northern Gaza Strip is a dangerous war zone and it is forbidden to move north. For your safety, you must remain in the humanitarian zone in the south," he added.

In the build up to the ceasefire there was a flurry of attacks and sporadic gunfire could be heard at around 7am. 


Is likely they are not in war, but YES. I mean, is just missing like the world that says:
Official war between Israel and Palestine. But at the end, they are still in war; It is so, so truth that the Palestines attacks today at 7 a.m (In my concerns). Sorry, not today, but The four-day ceasefire.

Apparently they want to stop and then continue. Is like a lightbowl that shots down and shots on. The purpose? As I said before: Gain attention, publicity and maybe power.

What they don't realice is that they are actually loosing all of that. Because they are worst that kid with toys. That trows them away and go and look for them once and another again.


What can we us, The Unknowns do?

Everyone who is allowed to do it with me, do this:

We will repeat this verse, one and another again:
"Man's wisdom can rescue his life; But the insolent does not listen to the threat".
Proverbs 13:8

Maybe after waking up, or before going to sleep.

The point is to become prudent, and to look for wisdom. It will make you realice that we are still been threat by Palestine, but in a manipulative and very sad way.

Cuchao Unknowns.

By: The Unknowns movement and The Eternal.


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!".
Isaiah 6:8

Israel vs Palestine - Another UnKnowns movement targetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora