diary entry | may. 12, 2024

26 4 138

oh my god okay!!! so i told y'all about the get-together i was invited to, which happened yesterday, but i didn't have the time to update because i came home late, and today was very busy so i didn't get a lunch break. i am home early though, so i just wanted to talk about this because the candace situation was CRAZYYYYY!!!!

so we all carpooled with two (cars), that's something that our workplace encourages a lot, and since miles was the organizer, one group went with his car, and another group went with another coworker's car, whose name is fatima, which is pretty important because candance kind of had a little argument with her. anyways so-

it all happened randomly, miles asked me and a couple others to get into his car, because we were closer to it in the parking lot, and candace was a couple cars down with fatima, but then she suddenly, like, jogs over to us, and is like; "fatima's car is smaller, I'll get car sick. can i come with you guys?" (or at least something along the lines.)

so miles tells her that there isn't really a seat, and so candance insists on someone switching with her, but since most of them were already seated in miles' car, they're all just telling candace that it isn't that long of a drive, (it was literally like not even ten (10) minutes), and that she should sit in the front seat. and fatima even suggests rolling the windows down so she won't feel sick, and that's where it gets, like, really creepy...?

i think i need to give an explanation on the seat situation before going on so, miles' car has five (5) seats, three (3) in the back, and two (2) at the front -obviously-, fatima's car is the same, but it's just a smaller car. like the interior is slightly smaller.

now, three (3) of my co-workers are already seated in the back of miles' car. they're his friends and are kind of brawny so they didn't want me to get squished in the back, and were letting me sit in the passenger seat until candace stopped everyone.

anyways, over at fatima's car, two (2) people are sitting in the back, and one (1) is sitting in the passenger seat, they're waiting for candace to also get in the back seat.

okay, now let's continue.

i'm not getting in the car because candace is looking at me with, like, the nastiest look you can possibly imagine. it's like she's telling me to switch with her. anyways so, miles insists her getting in fatima's car, he says; "we'll be there in five (5) minutes, it'll be okay."

but candace tells him no, and she's just standing there with her arms crossed, while we wait for her to comply. because she doesn't, i just volunteer to switch with her, so she can sit in the passenger seat of miles' car, and i'll sit in the backseat of fatima's car, but because they were kind of starting to be annoyed by candace (i could sense they were, and i was too because there was no reason for that big of a fuss), they were all just telling candace to get in fatima's car. of course she just continues to be annoying so miles just ends up telling her to either get in the car or he'll just drive off without her, because she has no right to waste people's time.

i could tell candace was kind of hurt by that, (i get it to be honest, i wouldn't want to be scolded like that either), but then she just starts huffing and puffing and then is like; "at least let me sit in the passenger seat." so she makes the other person move to the back seat, and then she literally SLAMS the door shut. (i saw fatima rolling her eyes, and it made me want to laugh so hard lmaooo)

anyways so we start driving. miles is driving in front because he knows the way, and fatima is following after, and through the rearview mirror i can see into fatima's car, and it looks like they're having a heated conversation. candace looks like she's yelling at fatima, her hands are all up in her hair as if she's gone crazy. miles sees it too, and he's like; "what's her problem?"

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