Chapter 9 : daily life 2

Start from the beginning

Kokichi replied with a mischievous grin on his face, clearly enjoying the shock and confusion on everyone's faces.

"And who might we be killing today?"

Shuichi asked in a deadpan tone, going along with Kokichi's antics for now.

"Hmmm... Good question. Let me think!"

Kokichi replied, pretending to seriously consider his options, even though he clearly didn't have any plans to kill anyone.

Tsumugi and Gonta watched Kokichi with nervous stares, still shaken up by his earlier statement.

"Ah, Kaito... He's a big old buzzkill. Always ruining everyone's fun with his boring rules."

Kokichi declared with disdain, clearly showing that he did not hold a good opinion of Kaito.

"Kokichi, you can't seriously think of killing Kaito!"

Tsumugi protested, clearly alarmed at the mere thought of Kokichi harming Kaito.

"Oh, but why not? It would make for a pretty entertaining show, don't you think?"

Kokichi replied with a smirk, clearly enjoying the shock and concern on everyone's faces.

"That's going too far, even for you."

Shuichi replied firmly, speaking up for the first time since Kokichi mentioned Kaito's name. He wasn't going to let Kokichi get away with thinking about harming their friend.

"Oh, come on, I'm just kidding! You guys need to lighten up a little."

Kokichi replied with a playful smile, trying to downplay the gravity of his statement. Tsumugi and Gonta relaxed slightly at his words, but Shuichi remained skeptical.

"You can't say things like that, even as a joke."

Shuichi replied firmly, trying to make sure that Kokichi knew the seriousness of the issue.

"Fine, fine, I get it."

Kokichi replied with a slight groan, clearly annoyed by Shuichi's serious tone.

Tsumugi and Gonta were both watching the exchange between Kokichi and Shuichi with trepidation, clearly uncomfortable with the tension in the air.

Monokuma suddenly appeared out of nowhere with MonoTaro and Monophanie in tow, a devious and menacing grin on his face.

"Good morning everyone!!! Are you guys having fun in this peaceful morning?"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock as Monokuma appeared unannounced. Tsumugi, Gonta, and Shuichi were all taken aback by the sudden appearance of their headmaster, knowing that his presence usually meant trouble.

Kokichi was the only one who didn't seem shocked by Monokuma's sudden appearance, clearly used to his antics.

"Ah, I see you guys were just having a lovely chat."

Monokuma said with a sinister grin as he looked around the breakfast table and saw everyone's expressions of shock and surprise.

"Well, I hope you don't mind if I join in."

Monokuma declared as he sat down in an empty seat without waiting for a response from the others. MonoTaro and Monophanie followed suit, sitting on either side of Monokuma.

Tsumugi, Gonta, and Shuichi were all speechless at Monokuma's sudden appearance and boldness, not sure how to respond.

Meanwhile, Kokichi was the only one who seemed unbothered by Monokuma's intrusion and continued to eat his breakfast

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