Once Upon A Time

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There was a Great War that divided many countries for decades. The Great War separated families, divided kingdoms, and millions of lives were lost, both soldiers and citizens, and while no one knew what started the war, they knew that they hated the other side, regardless of who was on it.

Aldroaq was one of the countries stuck in the middle of the war, losing over two million people from their large kingdom. A once great country was now corrupt and ruined with evil.

Aldroaq had been since the Great War had left many people orphaned, and without a home, many learned to survive in their own means, whether it be thievery or working hard.

One orphan, with no particular name, worked the hardest, starting off at a tavern in the middle of town. She started cleaning before getting promoted to barkeep and eventually becoming the entertainment on the side, singing to patrons, helping them enjoy their time, even if for a short while.

And that is where this story has begun. In a small tavern in Aldroaq, where a young orphaned girl has taken her life into her own hands.


"Staryik, I finished mopping..." The brunette dropped the bucket as she saw the older woman wiping her tears, slamming the photo down on the desk.

"What are you doing back here?" The older woman's tone was hostile.

"I came to tell you I finished cleaning... how are you feeling? I know Arello's passing has been hard, but -" She approached the woman slowly before the elder shot up.

"I'm just fine. You've finished all your chores?" The woman's black hair was swept back into a bun tightly. She glanced at the photo before looking at the girl, "I have your pay for the week."

She opened a drawer and held the bag hesitantly. Her eyes shifted around before making her choice and picking up a leather satchel and shoving it in the girl's arms, "Staryik?"

"Here." She thrusted the coin bag into her hands and pushed her towards the back door, "Your pay for the week. I do not wish to have you back. Your services are no longer needed."

The girl's head looked to her in surprise, "Staryik, this is too much... besides, you can't tell me that you truly do not want me here anymore, can you? I thought you liked the company -"

"Well, you thought wrong! I like my space! I like being alone! And I especially do not like a grubby little orphan in my home and in my tavern!" The woman's hands shook as she pushed the girl into the street, "I do not wish to see you ever again! There is a boat leaving Aldroaq at dusk, some island called Rosas."

Her voice faltered before throwing the girls' cloak at her and yelling out, "Go! Before I call the guards to remove you!"

The door slammed shut, and all the young girl could hear was sobbing come frome the other side of the door. Peaking in the satchel was all of her belongings, as well as some food.

Tears fell down her face as the reality set, and she realized that she truly had nowhere else to go. She was alone.

Draping the cloak over her shoulders, she walked slowly to the pier, taking the advice Staryik had so generously given her that she decided to leave the kingdom. She paid for her ticket and boarded before the ship set sail.

She could only hope that this next kingdom was a warmer welcome than her birth place.

What little bread was eaten or given to fellow orphans who were by the docks. She couldn't bear to watch the small, starving children be turned away from fishermen who were coming back with their catch.

Eventually, the brunette cried herself to sleep when sitting by the helm, only to be awakened at dawn, by the surrounding people who were in awe of the city.

Slowly standing up, she brushed as much dirt and grime from her pants as she could before adjusting the large men's shirt that was a bit too big for her. Suddenly the light hit her eyes and she looked up to cover them when she saw the kingdom. It was large and magnificent.

Quickly shutting her mouth, she gathered her small items before draping the cloak that she used as a blanket over her once more. Never had there been a person more excited and terrified to enter a new place.

She walked off of the boat, her eyes still wide trying to absorb the new kingdom around her. Following the people, she noticed there were guides taking them to the heart of the kingdom.

It took a long while for her to take it all in before she realized the guide had been talking, "and that is where the evil king was banished by the Great Sorceress." The young girl glanced at a rugged boy whispering to a guard by the door of a shop.

Turning back, she hid further in her hood, glad she had tied her hair back before leaving the ship. She listened more, "the Great Sorceress takes our wishes and keeps them safe, just to see our true intentions and deem us safe for Rosas. The queen then grants them citizenship."

"Where is the queen?" The older man motioned to the empty throne, confused.

"Well, that throne belongs to the Great Sorceress. She oversees the outside of the kingdom. The queen never leaves her castle. The queen is too afraid of the outside, worried for her safety in case the evil king breaks from his prison."

The people around her gasped as she heard someone else, "What has the king done that was so bad?"

"The evil king stole dreams and wishes of his citizens, crushing them and using pieces of their souls for forbidden dark magic." He said in a sour tone, "thankfully the Great Sorceress saved the queen, as well as all of us."

"That just sounds like what the sorceress is doing now." The girl muttered to herself under her hood, folding her arms as she sank deeper into the shadows.

"Except, I am not evil." A voice rang as a deep purple mist spread throughout the town square,"I do not use the citizens of Rosas for my own, selfish needs. I help them, like the wonderful sorceress I am. These people would have nothing without me, and I am so grateful to be their humble servant."

Magic captured the orphan and restricted her as the sorceress ripped the cloak off her shoulders, "A girl? You look very young... you aren't from here, are you?"

The girl was terrified, not speaking a single word. She had never witnessed magic before, only stories of the whimsical light of good magic since it was banned in her country. She didn't even think to question why good magic was such a dark purple.

"Let her go!" A woman yelled, trying to slap the magic with a broom.

"Kialah, no!" The man standing by the guard tried to stop her, shipsering loudly to stop.

"You have no right to these people. How is it that a good sorceress would take the rights of people that aren't even hers? We are not allowed to see our queen, hear from her directly! Why is it always from your mouth? We heard from her in the old days! We had more freedom under Magnifico!" The blonde screamed, out.

This girl seemed to be holding that in for a while, her green blouse shaking with every step she took. Suddenly, the brunette suspended in the air fell to the ground.

The blonde ran towards you, helping you up as the sorceress dropped the cloak to the ground, "you may accompany your new friend to the castle, seeing as you request an audience with her majesty and this little one has questions."

The sorceress smiled to herself. Her eyes glowed a deep green before using her staff to command guards to "escort" the two young girls to the castle.

Only time would tell what could happen next.

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⏰ Huling update: May 24 ⏰

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