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June tied off the offending plastic bag and exited the side gate to the dumpster at the back alley. She had dashed out under the drizzle, hoping it would not fizz up her already messy hair. She wondered why and how she ended up here despite graduating with honours from university. She had aspirations then as a trainee teacher. To lead a class and encourage the children to bloom and blossom under her care. She remembered her experience as a young child with teachers who had positively guided and encouraged her to be the best version of herself. She always had fond memories of her childhood, filled with after-school activities, clubs and activities. Her teen years were just as memorable, and she had stayed in touch with several teachers whom she visited every Teacher's Day without fail.

Hence, June was giddy with excitement when she accepted the job of a full-time teacher at one of the prestigious schools in Seoul. It was a lifelong dream of hers to teach preschoolers and to be part of the workforce to help mould and shape future leaders. Under her parents' encouragement, she applied for the job on a whim. She never expected to succeed on her first try, and quite honestly, June did not expect to be called back for a second interview. But fate seemed to have worked in her favour, and she was immediately employed as a teaching assistant.

She figured she would work her way up. How difficult could it be? Children seemed to naturally flock to her during her internship. Despite her age, she was knowledgeable in Early Childhood, as attested by her grades and the testimonials from her professors and lecturers. She would like to believe that she is a team player who is more than ready to pick up new skills and is an asset to any school where she is employed.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Her hopes to be the best and outstanding teacher were dashed when she was issued the employee badge. She was banished to a life of literal hell where she was on poopy duties and other mundane tasks that did not involve much interaction with the children in the class she was assigned to. She was reduced to routine care and doing menial tasks for the main class teacher, who exists to torment her and was the bane of her entire existence.

People might say that her resentment towards Mr Jung was unfounded. He was the star teacher at Seoul Euphoria Preschool, with credentials rivalling the principal's. He was voted the best teacher by the parents two years back-to-back, and rumour has it that he would most probably win it this year despite teaching the teeny tiny two-year-olds. Students in his class love him, and he has never received a complaint from any of his parents in the past three years he was in the school. He was the perfect teacher. Well-loved by his students, his student's parents and staff alike. Except for June. Because June hated his guts. Their encounter started during her first year in college. Hoseok was her sunbae in all aspects. Both in the workforce and at school, he made a point for her to remember her place during each and every interaction they ever had.

"Ms June, little Tae Woon needs a diaper change again. Seems like the poor thing's having a bad case of the runs."

June scowled at the retreating back of her arch nemesis as she ushered the sobbing toddler into the washroom who had stood by the backdoor of the classroom with a clean diaper clutched tightly against his chest and snort runny down his nose. Apparently, Mr Perfect is too dignified to wash the butts of poppy babies and would rather exile them to the corner of the class for fear of stinking up his pristine, neat classroom aesthetics. "Does your tummy hurt, baby? Is that why you're crying, Tae Woon-ah?"


The hour-long break was June's only reprieve from a hectic workday. She still had the craft bin to sort and materials to gather for the next class, but for the next twenty minutes, she was going to enjoy the bulgogi gimbap that she had purchased that morning from the deli by the subway station and the book that she had bought recently on her off day. Maybe it was unconventional to have her lunch by the playground, but accompanied by the falling rain that plipped and plopped onto the drain's metal covers, she wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, she would rather enjoy her book in peace than have murderous thoughts during the entire lunch break. She was not the Lord's strongest soldier for she could never be able to sit through perfect Hoseok's packed lunch of some organic salad that was artisanally tossed to perfection and topped with organic goat cheese or whatever pretentious combinations that the rest of the staff were smitten for.

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