Chapter 4

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I slowly regain consciousness, my head throbbing with a dull ache. Blinking my eyes open, I'm met with blurry outlines of unfamiliar faces hovering over me, their expressions indifferent yet watchful.

One of them steps forward, her features stern yet compassionate. "She's awake," she announces, her voice laced with concern. The others exchange subtle glances, their demeanor shifting into a blend of respect and apprehension.

The woman approaches me, her gaze softening as she observes my condition. "How do you feel, dear?" she asks, her tone gentle.

I struggle to focus, blinking against the lingering haze of unconsciousness. "Where... am I?" I manage to inquire, my voice hoarse.

"You're fine," the woman says, her tone gentle yet elusive, not directly addressing my question. Her eyes hold a hint of concern, tempered by a resolve to maintain a composed demeanor.

I try to sit up, the throbbing in my head intensifying with the movement. "Please, where am I?" I press, my voice strained.

The woman's lips purse slightly, her expression unreadable. "Rest now, dear," she urges, her voice tinged with a soft urgency.

Frustration wells up within me, mingling with the remnants of confusion. "I need to know," I insist, my voice a whisper of desperation.

The woman murmured something to one of the others present, who then nodded in acknowledgment before quietly exiting the room.

Her gaze softens, sympathy flickering in her eyes. "All will be revealed soon enough," she replies cryptically, her words offering little solace.

"How long was i out?" I ask, memories of that night flooding my mind.

"Two days," she replies, her tone betraying a hint of guarded reservation.

"Two days?" I repeat, disbelief mingling with the flood of memories from that chaotic night.

The girl returns with a tray of freshly baked bread, a small bowl of hearty vegetable soup, and a selection of ripe fruits. My stomach grumbles loudly, betraying my hunger.

I eye the tray of food warily, my stomach still grumbling despite my efforts to maintain composure. Putting on a tough facade, I raise an eyebrow at the girl who brought the meal.

"Eat. We'll be right back," the woman says, her tone firm yet not unkind. Without waiting for a response, all four of them leave the room, leaving me alone with the tray of food.

I wait for about two minutes, half expecting the food to transform into something unexpected. Given the strange turns my reality has taken, it wouldn't be surprising.

I give in and indulge in the food.

It's as if they were watching me eat. Because just as I swallow the last portion, the door opens and the woman comes in.

"You must have been very hungry," she says, smiling.

They definitely watched me eat; heck, I hadn't eaten in two days!.

I return her smile, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity.

"Uhmm..." I mutter, unsure of what to say next.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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