Lie Low

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Clay: No, three days is not fine. This is a real....*hands Viva earrings* these are the ones.

Viva: Thank you.

Clay: Problem, guys, how're we gonna keep this up for three days?

Bruce: You worry too much.

Clay: No I worry the exact right amount! You can never worry too much. We just have to lie low.

Floyd: But Clay, this place is amazing.

Ivy: Yeah it is, and I wonder what's-

Clay: No! Don't even move!

*unknown magical music stops*

Ivy: Clay-

Clay: You're moving!

Floyd: But-

Clay: Hey!

Bruce: C'mon!

Clay: Stay!

JD: We just-

Clay: Ugh! Just stand there!

Bruce, Branch, JD, Ivy, and Floyd: *on one foot*

Branch: For three days? *falls*

Clay: Yes! Exactly, three days, don't even breathe! Alright?

Bruce: Alright, we lie low.

Clay: Ah, ah, ah, promise?

Ivy: Yeah, yeah, alright.

Clay: Great, now if you excuse me I have to go gloat over my gold *plays with Viva's earring*

Viva: *giggles* [to Bruce, Ivy, Branch, Floyd, and JD] It's beautiful isn't it?

Floyd: Yeah.

Viva: Y'know, you guys really shouldn't miss it.

Bruce: Yeah we know, but we couldn't.

Ivy: But we could.

Viva: Go ahead, I'll cover for you guys.

Branch: Oh thanks.

John Dory: So, um, what happened to Rhonda?

Viva: I don't know.

The five siblings leave the temple.

Clay: 💚🎶~...Clay goes for paradise~🎶💚 Wait, what happened to my siblings?

Viva: I don't know.

Clay: Oh my god! They're gone! My siblings are gone! They're loose! What am I gonna do?! 

Viva: Ah, Floyd is right, you worry too much *starts massaging Clay's shoulders*

Clay: *enjoys it* Down, down *moans* Woah! No! Big trouble! Look sweetheart, we're in a middle of a con here, walking the razor's edge. On the one hand: gold! On the other hand: PAINFUL AGONIZING FAILIURE! I can't any temptat...distractions. So um, another time? Another place?

Viva: Too bad, I'm free now.

Clay: I'm not really sure I trust you.

Viva: Well I'm not really asking you to trust me, am I?

Clay: 'Kay *rubs Viva's shoulders* Ooh, yeah~ 

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