Tough To Be A God

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Bruce: Maybe they should call this place "Viva Dorado".

Clay: she's whooo... 🤤 Woah! She's trouble!

Ivy: The little voice, remember the little voice? Just for a second imagine you have one! What would it be saying about Viva?

Bruce: 😏

Ivy: No, listen, we are a family.

Bruce: We're a family.

Ivy: And we have to stick together, plus, we have a plan, remember?

Bruce: Get the gold, go back to Spain.

Clay: Exactly, and we're pretending to be gods and a demigoddess. Now put Viva in the mix, what is the voice saying?

Bruce: Viva is off-limits?

Clay: Bravo! Viva's off limits!

Ivy: Besides, you're supposed to be gods, you have to avoid getting in temptations.

Branch: Gods, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

John Dory: Branch relax, all we have to do is smile, act godly, and follow my lead.


Chief Peppy: Big smile, like you mean it.

Clay: 💚🎶~I hardly think I'm qualified, to come across all sanctified, I just don't cut it with the cherubim~🎶💚

Ivy: Clay, what're you talking about? 🩵🎶~There again, they're on their knees, being worshipped is a breeze~🎶🩵

John Dory: 🟧🎶~Which rather suits us in the interim~🎶🟧

Bruce: 💜🎶~The interim, the interim, it's me the them, oh my god!~🎶💜

All: 🟧💜💚❤️‍🩹💙🩵🎶~It's tough to be a god~🎶🩵💙❤️‍🩹💚💜🟧

Bruce: 💜🎶~Tread where mortal have not rod~🎶💜

John Dory: 🟧🎶~Be deified when really you're a sham~🎶🟧

Branch: 💙🎶~Be an object of devotion~🎶💙

Floyd: ❤️‍🩹🎶~Be the subject of psalms~🎶❤️‍🩹

Bruce: 💜🎶~It's a rather touching notion, all those prayers and those salaams~🎶💜

Clay: 💚🎶~And who am I to bridle, if I forced to be an idol? If they say that I'm a god that's what I am~🎶💚

Branch: 💙🎶~What's more if we don't comply, with the locals wishes, I can see us being sacrificed or stuffed~🎶💙

Ivy: You have a good point there, very good thinking.

John Dory: 🟧🎶~So let's be gods, the perks are great, El Dorado on our plates~🎶🟧

Bruce: Thank you.

Floyd: ❤️‍🩹🎶~The locals feelings should not be rebuffed~🎶❤️‍🩹

Clay: 💚🎶~Never rebuff, never rebuff a local feeling, no my bro!~🎶💚

All: 🟧💜💚❤️‍🩹💙🩵🎶~It's tough to be a god, but if you get the people's nod, count your blessings, keep em' sweet, that's our advice!~🎶🩵💙❤️‍🩹💚💜🟧

Clay: It's great advice!

All: 🟧💜💚❤️‍🩹💙🩵🎶~Be a symbol of perfection, be a legend, be a cult, as the multitudes exalt~🎶🩵💙❤️‍🩹💚💜🟧

💚🎶~Don a supernatural habit~🎶💚

Bruce: 💜🎶~We'd be crazy not to grab it~🎶💜

Ivy: You got it!

All: 🟧💜💚❤️‍🩹💙🩵🎶~So sign up six new gods for paradise, par-a-diiiiiiiise!!!~🎶🩵💙❤️‍🩹💚💜🟧

Rhonda: *drunk armadillo sounds*

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