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The Bros and Ivy meet behind a house.

Clay: Congratulations, you're very good.

John Dory: No that was good, very-

They notice an angry bull snorting at them.

Branch: You should've kept your swords.

John Dory: I've got a plan.

Floyd: What is it?

John Dory: You five pet him...

Bruce: Yeah?

John Dory: And I'll....RUN!!!!

The six siblings get up and run away with the bull chasing them.

Ivy: Well, thanks a lot!

They end up getting chased by both the bull and some guards, they climb up a ladder, then see 3 barrels full of water.

Ivy: I bet we can make that.

Guard: There they are!

Bruce: Two pesetas says we CAN'T.

They each go into 3 barrels like this [💙💚] [💜🧡] [❤️🩵]

Ivy: You lose!

Bruce: *flips the coin into Floyd and Ivy's barrel*

Then they close the barrels and they get carried into a ship.

John Dory: Woooaah!!! What's happening here?

Bruce: We're all in barrels, that's the extent of my knowledge.

A Trolls lowers the barrels on the ship, then other Trolls roll the barrels and throw them on the ship, they siblings then push the corks out of the barrels.

John Dory: Okay, okay, guys, we gotta move fast. On three, we jump out and head for the deck.

Floyd: Good, good, okay, excellent.

All: One, two, three...

A treasure chest gets put on the barrels, keeping the siblings from lifting themselves out of the barrels.

All: Th-Three! Three! Three!

At Nighttime...

John Dory: You guys ready? Okay, one more, let's go.

All: One, two, three!!!

The siblings end up being caught by a bunch of Trolls.

Branch: Excuse us.

Ivy: Okay, we're outta here.

Bruce: Who ordered, the uh, pickles?

The Trolls lock up the six siblings.

Floyd: Chaz... 😰

Chaz: My crew was as carefully chosen as the disciples of Christ. *cracks knuckles* And I will not tolerate stowaways. You will be flogged, and when we put into Cuba to resupply, God willing you will be flogged some more, and then enslaved on the sugar plantations for the rest of your miserable lives. To the brig.

Clay: All right, Cuba! 😄

Ivy and Branch: 😑

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