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As the siblings enter El Dorado (where everybody gives them looks as if they saw  a ghost), the high priest and the chief appear. 

John Dory: Bruce, I just want you to know, I'm sorry about that girl in Barcelona when we were teens.

Bruce: So you...you f-

Creek: Behold! The prophecies foretold, the time of judgement is now! Citizens, did I not predict that the gods and their demigodess sister would come to us?

Bruce, Clay, Floyd, Branch, and Ivy: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

John Dory: Hmm 😏

Ivy: Oh boy, he's got an idea 😑

Creek: My lords and lady, I am Creek, your devoted high priest and speakers for the gods. 

Ivy (💭): So no speaker for the demigodess?

Chief Peppy: And I am Chief Peppy, what names shall we call you?

Clay: I am Clay.

Ivy: And I am Ivy, these are Bruce, Floyd, Branch, and John Dory.

Clay: *tries to get off of Rhonda but his foot gets stuck in the reins* And they call us John Dory, Bruce, Clay, Floyd, Branch, and Ivy.

Creek: Your arrival has been greatly anticipated.

Chief Peppy: My Lords and Lady, how long will you be staying in El Dorado?

Creek: *notices Viva hiding behind Rhonda* Aha! I see you've captured this temple-robbing thief! How would you have us punish her?

Viva: No, no, no, no, no! My lord, I am not a thief, see, the gods and demigodess sent me a vision to bring them tribute to guide them here! My only wish is to serve the gods and demigodess *gives them a "come on help me out" look*

Clay: Release her, don't ya think?

Creek: Then you will begin by returning this to it's rightful place.

Chief Peppy: My lords and lady, why now do you choose to visit us?

Creek: Enough! You do not question the gods!

Ivy (💭): Again, just my brothers 😑

John Dory: That's right! Do not question us! Or else we'll have to unleash our awesome and terrible power! And you don't want that.

Creek: Well yes, we do!

Ivy, Bruce, Clay, Branch, and Floyd: *death glare John Dory*

John Dory: You do?

Creek: Of course we do! Visit your wrath upon this nonbeliever, show us the truth of your divinity!

Bruce: Divinity! One moment.

Branch: John, you know that little voice people have to tell them to quit when they're ahead? 

Ivy: Surprise, surprise, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!

John Dory: Sorry, I just got carried away.

Clay: Way away!

Floyd: Maybe we can tell the truth and beg for mercy.

Clay: Are you nuts? We'd be butchered alive! 

Floyd: Yeah, but they're getting suspicious, and if we don't come up with some mega-cosmic event...

In the background a volcano starts to erupt.

Clay: I'm trying, I'm trying, I can't think with all these distractions!

Bruce: *slaps his hand on Clay's forehead* Think horse, think horse, think horse!

Clay: I'm on the verge of...STOP!!!!

And by the ✨mAgIc oF hOlLyWoOd✨, the volcano stops, and then the Trolls start bowing, Ivy gestures Clay asking "what now?" and he dramatically put his arms out, then the other brothers (- Branch) do the same.

John Dory: Don't make me start it up again, cause I will.

Creek: Oh, mighty lords! Come, let me show you to your temple.

Bruce: All right, temple!

Creek: (to Chief Peppy) Step aside.

*For context on why Peppy doesn't stop Creek when he thinks of punishing Viva: He (Creek) erased everyone's minds so they could forget that Viva was ever the princess*

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