CHAPTER TWO| Woes of the dynamic twins II

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Dei Lu refused to cower in the face of the patrol guard's menacing glare. Despite the man's intimidating size and the threat of violence hanging heavy in the air, Dei Lu stood tall, his gaze steady and unwavering as he met his adversary's gaze with a steely resolve.

"You may be bigger and stronger than me," Dei Lu declared, his voice ringing out with a clarity that belied his youth, objecting the false supremacy that Lin Zaoh seemed to have "but that does not give you the right to insult my brother or speak ill of his character. He is a good person, and just like everyone else he deserves respect, not your scorn."

The patrol guard's face darkened with anger at Dei Lu's defiance, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to contain his rising temper. This boy was more stubborn than his brother.

"You insolent brat," One of the patrol guards spat, his voice laced with venom. "I'll teach you to show respect to your betters."

With a swift motion, the patrol guard lunged forward, his spear aimed straight at Dei Lu's heart with deadly intent.

As the patrol guard's spear whistled past Dei Lu with lethal intent, the young boy's reflexes kicked into high gear. He dodged the attack purely on instincts yet his movements fluid and graceful as he dodged out of the way, the spear whistling past him with a hair's breadth as he moved aside. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Dei Lu braced himself for the confrontation that was about to unfold because Dei Lu was not about to be made a victim of his aggression.

"To attack someone unannounced, you really are nothing but pitiful wretches aren't you?" Dei Lu spoke, his body moving to a defensive position upon realizing that he was in serious danger. He had willingly entered the lion's den and now must find a way to escape.

"Once we are done with you, you will beg as for mercy." The soldier who had lunched his spear spatted out as he got his weapon ready to attack again.

Dei Lu's eyes narrowed at the guard's visible threat. "Try it!"

Again the spear was flanged but instead of Dei Lu trying to evade the attack like last time, the boy just stood there. Suddenly it was as if the environment began to move at a snail's pace. Dei Lu's eyes glowed as everything around him began slowing down.

As Dei Lu tapped into the full extent of his power, the air around him seemed to shimmer and distort, bending and warping with the sheer force of his abilities. Time itself seemed to slow to a crawl as he unleashed the full force of his martial soul, the Time Sword, with three rings swirling around him in a dazzling display of light and energy.

With a focused concentration that bordered on meditation, Dei Lu reached out with his mind and grasped hold of the very fabric of time itself, bending it to his will with a mastery that defied comprehension. The world around him seemed to shift and twist as he exerted his influence, the very laws of physics bending and contorting to accommodate his commands.

As he moved with effortless grace and precision through the chaos of battle, Dei Lu's every movement seemed to leave a trail of blurry distortion in its wake. The air crackled with mystical energy as he moved through the midst of his adversary. His movements guided by instinct and intuition as he anticipated their every move with uncanny accuracy.

With a flick of his wrist, Dei Lu unleashed a shockwave of temporal waves that rippled through the air like a tidal wave, freezing his opponent in his tracks and leaving them helpless in the face of his power. Time seemed to stand still as he moved with blinding speed and precision, his every strike calculated and precise.

Before the man could even blink Dei Lu had already sent him straight into a tree. This action shocking most of the guards and annoying Lin Zaoh. "Incompetent fool!"

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