The start of a war

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The god of Heaven Joseph and the goddess of Hell Luzyphěr stand beside each other at the border that divdes the two dimensions.

They have brought a child of their dimension's species with them.

The angel named Theodor looks at the demon Tyarley and gets scared. He tells Joseph about it.
Joseph gets mad and confronts the goddess of Hell: 'Keep that demon away from us! That thing is a monster.'
His words make Luzyphěr angry. 'Excuse me?! Have a little respect, will you?' she bites back.
'Respect? Monsters don't deserve respect. The species of Hell shouldn't have existed at all! Hell and all of its creatures are a waste of space. Go back to the depths of Hell, where you came from,' Joseph demands sternly.
'How dare you insult me and my dimension! You will pay for this!' she promises furiously.
'Come, Tyarley. We will make those losers pay forever. I will give them eternal punishment once they are behind bars in Hell.'

'But... why? That will bring no good!' Tyarley exclaims shocked. 'Hell means no good for the angels,' Luzyphěr explains to the demon.

From that day on there was an everlasting conflict between the god and the goddess and a war had begun. It was called the Heavenly War of Darkness.

Tyarley didn't like it at all. She wants no conflicts and she wants the war to end for once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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