Home is where the spark

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Y/n was sitting down on the floor while watching "our new home is coming together nicely." Optimus says "if I had my way we'd never leave, it's not safe out there they're always watching, waiting." "The decepticons?" Optimus asked "no those annoying camera bots." Ratchet said "what?no way, being a star rocks if the titanium alloy fits wear it and I make it look good." Bumblebee said "you got it easy, all people want me to do is break stuff I got a sensitive side too you know." Y/n got up walked to bulkhead when he picked her up "breaking stuff is kinda of fun."  "either way there's a lot to learn about this planet so we'll have to roll with it." Optimus said, then Prowl came in then walked to his room "guess Prowl didn't get the memo about rolling with it." Bumblebee said while y/n tilted her head.

"Prowl, got a nano click?...everything okay?I mean you want to talk?" Optimus asked Prowl "no." He responded "huh...you know you can have another room, one with a roof." "I like this room, all this organic life, this nature it refuses to be contained, such a force of will..." bumblebee and y/n peaked outside "but everyone here is blind to it, they all rush to see everything but never sit still long enough to experience what is around them just this morning I observed one organic stalk another with such grace such stillness." He was to hold a little bird but then bumblebee scared it away "anyone else smell fried circuitry around here?get it?fried circuitry?haha!as in yours!uh hello?any bot home?" Bumblebee jokes but Prowl didn't find it funny "what?what I say?" Bumblebee ask confused when bird landed on y/n's head then she let it sit then watch it flew away.

" He was to hold a little bird but then bumblebee scared it away "anyone else smell fried circuitry around here?get it?fried circuitry?haha!as in yours!uh hello?any bot home?" Bumblebee jokes but Prowl didn't find it funny "what?what I say?" Bumbl...

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Prowl was watching a butterfly documentary while y/n was sitting on his lap "fascinating..." then bumblebee changed the channel "mind if we watch something that won't bore us into stasis lock?don't be such a stiff Prowl, oh wait I forgot you're all about stillness." Prowl puts y/n down then he pounces on him "you should try it sometime." Then jumps to a machine "whoa, looks like someone forgot to defrag his hard drive." "Don't get your circuits in a bunch prowl, it's just slammer party." "That's slumber party also known as the sleepover, it's where a bunch of friends get together and hangout all night." sari explained to them "so where do hang this out?" Optimus asked holding a sleeping bag "you don't hang it out you sleep in it only the first rule of a sleepover is no one sleeps." "This earth stuff is hard." Bulkhead says, y/n saw something that was tiny and robotic then Prowl lost his balance because bulkhead was trying to fit in a sleeping bag "bulkhead that's my sleeping bag, this is yours." sari says then tarp covers Prowl.

They were playing a game "Okay, left hand on purple." "So this is some kind of training to boost dexterity?" "It's a game for fun, right foot on green." "Hey Prowl, you're all into that balance and agility garbage, you want in on this action?" Bumblebee asked him, Prowl jumps in and won then jumps back and leaves "hey come back!" "What's the matter?we're not still enough for you?fine a great time watching the grass grow!" Bumblebee said.


sari was telling a scary story "and the point of this story is?" Ratchet asked "you're always supposed to tell scary stories at a slumber party." She explained "well I'm not feeling scared." sari continued with the story "with old man gone the three children were left all alone in the spooky house there was horrible scraping noise." There was suddenly a scraping noise "you guys hear that?" Bumblebee was getting scared "Behind the kids the old man's ghost sneaked up and..." bumblebee screamed.sari started laughing "too sweet you should have heard yourself scream  bumblebee you big scaredy bot!not even y/n was scared!" Y/n was holding her teddy bear while she suddenly saw something again "sari how are you doing that?" Optimus ask her "it's my key it doesn't just fix autobots, I can do all kinds of other stuff with it." Then the lights went off "uh that wasn't me." When the machines turned on "take cover!" Ratchet yelled before he and bumblebee got thrown into a wall "what's happening!?" One of the machines started to shoot at sari when Optimus grabbed her "okay this is definitely not me!" Y/n started to ran then bumped into Prowl "this party is getting out-" but he was cut off and y/n tried running again.

Then she saw an explosion and saw Ratchet injured "Ratchet!you alright!?" "Forgot about me!somebody's gotta shut down that assembly line!" "This looks like a job for wheels on heels!" But bumblebee got caught by the claws but he tried his vehicle mode, "who needs sensitive?smashing stuff is fun!" But then bulkhead got caught by one of the claws and about to be crushed by one of the machines but he used his strength to stop the machine, Optimus tried to stop the machine but one of the machines grabbed him "everyone!stand still." Prowl tried telling them but bumblebee didn't listen "forgot stillness!we action!" "It's all connected to motion sensors, stand still." Ratchet stand still when claws looked like they were about to grabbed him but sari was actually controlling one of them.

Prowl tried to get to the control panel but somehow the claws grabs him y/n wanted to help so she tried to go to the control panel but one of claws grabs her "y/n!" The others yelled "it's up to you now bumblebee!remember, stillness." "From bumblebee!?we're dead!" "Go for the control panel!stillness then strike!just like the earth creature!" Prowl tells him "In case you haven't noticed I'm not the one who spends my time staring at earth creatures!" "Just listen to me and focus!wait for the right time!ready...go!" Prowl told him when bumblebee needs to stay still and when to go until he got the control panel and shut it off, until notice the fuel tanks was gonna blow so they quickly got rid of it and heard a explosion "so if my key didn't do this what did?" sari questions then Optimus picked up a small bot "whatever it was it was smart enough to merge the security motion sensors with assembly line." Ratchet said "I think this might be the culprit." Prowl looks at the tiny bot "a robotic design merging with organic mechanical, fascinating." Then it tries getting away "catch it!we need to examine it!" Then bulkhead tried catching it "got it!" But he accidentally crashed it."

(The next morning)

"Be still, focus, relax." "I'm all about stillness." As they play the game "right servo on orange." Y/n was watching this and giggled.


Hope you enjoy ☺️😊✨

Have good day/night/noon

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