A baby bandit

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Fatima sighs "they was together for five years Zac..." he looks at her confused "So?! What does that mean" she turns her body to look at him "we make five years next year what if..." he cuts her off "Im gonna stop you right there cause what way in hell would that be us" she shakes her head "you never know clearly one of them was drove crazy"

Zac sighs and puts his hand on Fatima's shoulder "Babe that's a mental thing not an every five years thing and is this your way of saying you're gone do something crazy like that?!" She looks at him and laughs lightly "right cause nothing turns me on more than planning mine and your death a year early" he stares at her "Fatima that's not funny..." she continues to laugh "Relax I'm kidding! We have to much to lose and we have kids sooo as far as I'm concerned we are stuck until we are old and crippled" he shakes his head and laughs as she speaks again

"oh yea Sienna is having a gathering at her house tomorrow and we are going..." he looks over at her "Absolutely not..." she looks at him confused "why not" he sighs heavily "Did you forget about the last time we went over there the girl have a gun and she was very upset that day" Fatima looks at him "We literally went over there to diffuse a situation this is different it's calmer and it's gonna be more people there" he shakes his head "I can still hear you saying if it gets out of hand to get down..."

Fatima looks at him "You lived didn't you?!" He stares at her "Haha very funny she didn't even use it she was just yelling and occasionally throwing stuff but even so there was no damn fire I was not trying to stop drop and roll to save my life..." Fatima laughs "Shut up... we are going it'll be fun" the two got up and went upstairs to lay down because it was super late

An hour in to them laying down they heard noise coming from downstairs and it was loud like things was falling over. Fatima got out the bed as Zac sat up and turned the light on "Fatima sit your ass down..." she looks at him "There could be someone in the house and you talking about sit down" he shakes his head and sighs "and what the hell are you gonna do about it go down there and scare them with your looks?!" Her mouth drops as she looks at Zac

"No asshole I'm going to go check it out" he makes a face "Don't be stupid you have no type of weapon so you gonna go down there and do what stare at them?!" Fatima sighs and sits on the bed "You are making jokes and there is still someone in my house" he gets up and grabs his phone "Well I'll go check it out... you stay here and do something about all that..." he uses his hand and motions to her nightly look

Zac walks downstairs and looks around he then starts to look cause there was no doors open no indication of a broken window or even an attempt to get in and the only light on is from the pantry so that's where he goes. He walks into the pantry to see cereal all over the floor, flour everywhere and his son on a step stool with a hand full of chocolate with a messed up face. He picks up Aiden and looks at him

"so we aren't getting robbed it's just you messing up my pantry floor because you wanted a late night snack and a chocolate covered face" Aiden laughs lightly as Zac tickles him. He then looks at him and smiles lightly "You wanna scare mommy?!" Aiden continues to laugh and nods. Zac makes his way upstairs with him in his arms while he continued to dirty his face with chocolate. When they got upstairs he puts him down "Okay you have one job just stand out here until I come get you"

Aiden wasn't paying Zac no mind but he was three so he just left him in the hallway and walked in the room. Fatima looks up from her phone "is everything okay down there?!" Zac looks down and tries to seem hurt as he shakes his head "No the house is destroyed and I think they took Aiden" her eyes go wide and she throws her phone on the bed "WHAT?!" Zac seen her heart rate go up and she started to panic she then speaks again "Oh my gosh what happened you don't even look hurt" he raised his eyebrow then shook it off "When I got down there the door was left open" she started to breath heavily so Zac spoke again

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