I DO (N'T)

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Disclaimer: the two main characters do not die at any point in this book! It may be an illusion to it or mentioned throughout but they will remain Alive until the very end

Weddings are a beautiful ceremony that bounds to people together for life or well until they want a divorce. It is a symbol of love and happiness but sometimes it can be miserable. But in the end love always wins when two people put their hearts together and make it one. Also when they put their bank accounts together they usually have no choice. Sometimes couples are married for a very long time or until they die of course. But who knows where life will take them

August 8th, 2020

Zac and Fatima prepare for the big day to tie the knot from being a couple for two years to fiancé for one and now officially husband and Wife. Fatima was in the room with her girls as everyone was getting ready. Sienna looks at Fatima and smiles "You ready for the next chapter of your big life" Fatima laughs lightly "Yes but why it gotta be a big life?!" Danni looks at her "Please don't act like you don't know... your life is like a big broadway show except there is no singing or dancing or annoying people trying to change your wardrobe"

The girls laugh as they was all finishing up their final looks. Fatima looks at the girls "Y'all look cute! Now go be pretty out there so I can finish up and come out" they all laugh once again as they all hug her and walk out the room. Meanwhile Zac was getting dressed separate from his guys as they had decided they will see him when he comes out. Once he was ready he prepped himself and made his way out to the alter where everyone was

He stood before the officiant as the music started playing and Fatima walked down the aisle with her father by her side. When she got there and stood in front of Zac as they looked into each other's eyes. The two remembered what one another said two days before the wedding

In Zac's head

He look at Fatima as she spoke with a distinct in her eyes "then trust me Zac I promise you marrying me will be the last thing you do in life"

In Fatima's head

After she had said what she said to him he laughs a little as he continues to stare him "I hope you are ready to stand on that because it might be the last thing you do in life..."

Back to reality

They both smiled at each other as the officiant read off everything before looking at Fatima and speaking "Do you Fatima take Zac to be your husband through sickness and in health and for better or for worse?!" She looks at him "I do" he then looks at Zac "Do you Zac take Fatima to be your wife through sickness and in health and for better or for worse?!" He looks at her "I do" he smiles "Okay I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride"

Zac pulls her in and kisses her before the two walk off and jump the broom as a picture was took off the two

Couples wedding photo

Couples wedding photo

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