The pay backs - 2

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Jin abruptly put the dishes in the sink when the doorbell was continuously heard early in the morning. Wondering about who it was who couldn't even wait until the door was opened, Jin quickly made his way to the front door and opened it.
He was greeted by an old man who was going to press the doorbell again.

“Good morning, Mr. Shin. I was going to visit your place today.” Jin said it politely, wearing a warm smile, to the house owner.

“You were going to? hhff!” The man huffed in annoyance.

“I am really sorry for the late payments. Since you are here, why don’t you get inside and wait in the living room while I go and get the rent amount?”

Despite receiving an unpleasant response from the old man, Jin tries his best to be respectful and polite.

“I am not here to receive your hospitality. I heard your boyfriend come back. How long are you intending to hide him inside? That ungrateful bastard doesn’t even bother to pay a visit to me.”

“I am sorry, but you should not refer to my boyfriend with such words, Mr.Shin. I will not tolerate this next time.”

“Did you forget who I am? I can make you both homeless this second. And where is your so-called boyfriend? I came to teach him how to treat his house owner.”

Jin rolled his eyes as he understood it was pointless to continue the conversation with the old man.

“He is in the backyard. I will walk with you."

“No need. I know where the front yard and backyard of my own house are."

The old man walked past Jin with a grumpy expression. Jin glared at him until he disappeared from the back door.

As the old man looked around the backyard, it was quite neat and beautiful. That’s one thing he liked about his current tenants. But that doesn’t lessen his anger over their late payment. Soon his eyes fell on a man who was taking pushups beside the big dog house.

He cleared his throat to gain the attention of that man. Jungkook stopped his exercise, rose from there, and turned around to look at the old man. Mr. Shin was taken back by the unexpected transformation of his tenant. The man in front of him is a bulkier version of old JK. The sweat rolling on Jungkook’s body and the heavy breaths Jungkook was taking gave him an intimate appearance.But the old man stood there, maintaining a straight face.

“I heard you are back. And I waited for you to show up at my place to apologize for the late payments and your disrespectful behavior towards me.” He said.

“Joesonghamnida, but respect will be given to one who understands the difficulties of his tenant instead of being rude to his pregnant boyfriend.” Jungkook said.

“You and your boyfriend should be homeless for this, but still, I showed mercy on you both. Be grateful to me for this, always. I will not tolerate any more excuses. You dare to run away and come backward to speak to me like this. I should have sued your boyfriend for not paying my rent on time. Lucky that he was pregnant.”

Jungkook held back his anger upon hearing the old man's statements.

“He made late payments and gave excuses that he was sick, not well, could not climb stairs because of the stomach, and so on. If you want to live in my house, it's your own responsibility to make sure timely payments are made to me. What did he expect? I will come and visit his place and beg him for my own money. Whether you stay here or run away again, make sure your boyfriend pays the rent on time.”

The old man finished his ranting and turned back to leave the place after giving a final glare to Jungkook.

"Who knows how many men visited this house after he left, and how sure is he that it was his baby that -"

The old man stopped his mumbles when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and was shocked to see Jungkook standing closer to him.


Jin was arranging plates on the kitchen rack when he saw Mr.Shin coming back from the backyard, limping.

“Mr. Shin, what happened?” He asked quickly.

“Oh, nothing. Could you please bring me the rent money? From this month on, I will come and collect the money; you don’t have to bother about coming to my place.”

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