Chapter X: A Bitter-Sweet Resolution...ish!

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(A.N: It's finale time, everybody! Let's go, go, go!)

Book's P.O.V:

I chatted with Price Tag about pretty much everything. Including the...nightmares I've been having for the past few weeks. "Oh geez. How long has this been going on?" They asked with great alarm in their voice. I thought while scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. Then I shyly replied, "A-About a week, I think." I explained the nightmare and how it was affecting my current life as well, but what I didn't notice was that she's here. She was silently eavesdropping on everything I was saying. Including the quote-unquote 'things' that she said in my dreams. "I would NEVER forgive someone like you!" It hissed in the back of my mind. Wait-is this actually happening?!

"Book..? Are you thinking about it again?" Price Tag asked me with slight caution in their voice. I nodded my head shakily. Oh my word, she isn't eavesdropping. They all feel so real, some actually happened in the past, others were...foreshadowing. One of my dreams I had was Taco appearing while I talked about my nightmares about her and she started to talk to me. But it was an endless loophole where at the end of all my dreams ends with us screaming and her saying these haunting words. "I wish I never met you..." Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. I stood my ground, trying not to break down and alarm my best friend even more.

We stood for a while in some-what awkward silence. The only thing that the silence wasn't exactly...silent was the chatter from everybody else. "So, umm, how long has this...guilt been going on for?" They ask once regaining their voice to speak again. "Umm, heh, t-too long to even keep track of..." I tried to laugh it out, but they shook their head in disappointment. "Normally, as a friend, I would try to help you out, but if it's been going on for a long might suggest talking...t-to..." They trailed off, looking like they were staring into space. I tilted my head in confusion, not knowing what was going on. "Price Tag?"

"Look. Behind. You." They said in an ominous tone. I turned around and about ten feet away was...her. Taco. Leaning back to a tree with her phone in her hand. It looked like she was scrolling or texting something; completely unaware that I noticed her. I gulped in terror and tried to pinch myself. Please be a dream...OUCH!'s real life. "Y-You wa-want me t-to talk to h-h-her?" I stammered in fear while very softly pointing at her. Price Tag grew a pained expression on their face. They placed their hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Before I noticed her, I was going to suggest a shrink to help with your problems, but I think it's necessary to talk to the ACTUAL person instead." N-No. I can't...I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T! MY WORST NIGHTMARE IS COMING TRUE!!!

"No." I finally spoke. "No. I'm sorry, Price Tag. I can't do it. No." I shook my head while slowly breathing in and out. Trying my hardest not to make a scene. "I would NEVER forgive someone like you!" It hissed back again. Taco is not actually saying it, but my mind played tricks on me and made an illusion that she was mouthing it out. "Book. Book! BOOK, listen to me!" I heard the sound of Price Tag's voice and managed to tranquilize myself back to normal...ish. "This...might be hard for you. I can't imagine the mental pain a-and stress you're going through. But remember, you're not that person...well not anymore. You're a different person, a good one." A small smile started to form on my face. I took a deep breath and approached to Taco. Then someone else was in my path...Gaty.

Oh great. It's the same person who suggested I should talk to new people. Which worked, I'm not gonna lie. She was talking to Taco and giving her a piece of paper. They looked happy and having a good time. Oh my word, I really don't feel ready talking to either of them. Just taking a step closer made me have butterflies in my stomach. I looked around and everybody was busy socializing, eating food, singing on stage for karaoke, or talking to the birthday girl. I felt more terrified than ever, to the point where I feel like I want to faint. I turned around to see Price Tag giving me a thumbs up. She was holding the pose for a few seconds, before noticing my very scared look. "You want me to come with you?" They asked. I nodded rapidly and we both approached the talkative duo together.

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