Chapter VI: Plan & Fall

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Book's P.O.V:

I woke up feeling slightly groggy and covering my eyes from the sun's rays coming from the window. I reached out my hand to the nightstand to grab my glasses. I pushed them up to my nose and turned my head to look at the clock...11:49am...

Wow, it's late. Thank god the party planning starts at 2pm. I quickly changed into a teal t-shirt with black sweatpants and made my way into the kitchen. Surprisingly, Pillow hasn't woken up yet. The living room looked pretty messy, guess I was a messy sleeper a couple nights ago. I tidied up the room a bit and placed in some lavender air freshener. Looks like cleaning calmed me down a bit, because my head was exploding with ideas! I also snatched a chocolate chip muffin from the pantry for breakfast.

What? Cleaning makes me hungry.

Pillow's P.O.V:

I opened up my eyes only to find that the walls were dark and filled with clothes. Oh right I'm in my closet. Eh, not the first time I slept in there. I got out with great difficulty, and dressed myself with a white sleeveless dress, associating it with a black leather jacket on top. I made my way down the hall and observed Book finishing up a muffin.

"Oh, good morning, 'Lowy!" She said with her mouth full. I softly giggled at her. Her face is so puffy. And I kinda got used to the nickname he gave me. Cheesy, sure, but authentic! She swallowed the bite and gave me a morning hug, followed by a quick, yet passionate kiss.

"Did you sleep well?" She playfully asked while ruffling my hair a bit. I rolled my eyes while also saying, "Yeah, yeah. You don't have to laugh about it, it's not the first time I've done it, y'know."

Instead of laughing back, Book faced me with a very confused expression. Oh, she didn't know? "W-What do you mean by that? What are you talking about?" She was genuinely worried. Like, something happened to me. I looked over at the kitchen wall clock. 12:27pm. Opp-

"Oh, you never noticed? I fell asleep in my closet last night!" I smiled brightly. Book took a step back looking distraught. I reassured her that sleeping in a closet is normal, and I've done it on multiple occasions, but instead she grabbed my hand and marched me into my bedroom. (AKA: The room Book is also crashing in). She sat up a section on the left side of my bed, and shuffled with my pillows and sheets. "From now on, you're sleeping next to me and that's final! I don't want to hear any ifs', and's, or but's, got it?!" I froze in slight fear, and just gave her a thumbs up. "Okay!"

It was almost time for us to plan a party! So, Book and I made it into my car (I was driving, haha!) and arrived in the field. We met up with DPA and got to work. "Okay, the decorations should be at the left part of the stage, and the balloons should be on the right," Lightning directed us, followed by Bubble, "N-Not too much, we don't want Foinny to hate it!"

Lightning's P.O.V:

After Bubble reminded everyone on who the party was for, she mumbled something that wasn't loud, but loud enough for me to hear, "L-Like she always does..." She frowned and put her head down on top of the benches we were sitting in. I was worried and stressed as well. Fanny isn't the type of person I would know to like parties. Bubble pierced her head back up with sadness in her eyes.

"L-Loightning?" I turned my head around to face Bubble. "Yeah?" She hesitated for a little while, and spoke, "D-Do yoiu t-think this is a b-bad oidea?" She trembled.

I gasped in shock, and placed my hand over her shoulder, "No, no, no! Of course not! What you're doing for Fanny is really sweet, especially after everything she's gone through for years. This little surprise party...who knows, might help! Even better, she's got her lover as the leader, and her best friend as manager!" I flexed and softly jabbed Bubble in the arm, which caused her to let out a small laugh. "And plus, we'll never get to see her reaction, so might as well try! Better late than never," I winked. Which motivated Bubble to help us continue on with our jobs.

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