Chapter VII: Arguments & Angsty!

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(A.N: Warning: Booklow & Fubble Angst...Oh, who am I kidding, I THRIVE ON IT–)

Pillow's P.O.V

Okayokayokay...umm...what do I say??? Umm, ehh, oh! "We...were...planning a-another get together! A..umm s-surprise get together, yeah! Don't tell anyone~" I covered up. Please don't get suspicious. "Oh, re-really?" Fanny asked. She had some sadness in her voice when she said that, "T-That doesn't answer all of my questions, o-or why you all decided to ditch me," Fanny mumbled.

I softly gasped, but unfortunately she heard it. I immediately crouched down to her level and tried to place my hand on her shoulder, but she retaliated and threw my arm away from her. "Wha-GET OFF OF ME! I HATE SYMPATHY! Especially from TRAITORS!" Fanny yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

In a flash, I saw Bubble rushing in with Lighting coming from behind. "What's going on?!" Lightning asked as he rushed in. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here, LIGHTNING!" Fanny exclaimed sarcastically and emphasized Lightning's name. She turned around and saw Bubble. "I don't even want to talk to you anymore." Fanny growled at her girlfriend. Bubble knew she was in a dilemma, in which I whispered to her, "Don't worry, she doesn't know about the surprise party." Then I took off and sprinted back to where Book was sitting and that down across from her.

"So, uh, mind telling me what's going on?" Book said as she was tapping the table with her finger rapidly. "Oh! Fanny's here!" I said with my usual smile '😁'.

Bubble's P.O.V:

H-How is she here?! I never even texted her the address, so how did she find out? That's when Fanny cleared her throat and showed me something on her phone, "You left your 'Find My iPhone' tracking system on," Fanny said begrudgingly. I knew she didn't want to say that to me, and the next thing she said as well, "W-Why?!" Both Lightning and I felt really bad. Especially me. We were supposed to have a date today, a-and I even promised that I wouldn't ignore her!

"Well, why are you freaking out? Don't you...I mean, you always seem to hate about...everything..." Lightning hesitated. But that was the final straw for Fanny. Oh my bubble blower, what have we done–

"I'M FREAKING OUT, BECAUSE I GENUINELY DON'T HATE IT!!! Sure, I talk like that sometimes, but that doesn't mean I MEANT IT! I-I HATE when you kick me out of things, I HATE BEING i-ignored, a-and I r-really really REALLY! Hate the fact that...that...yo-you both..." She trailed off with her head going down slowly. I tilted my head to properly see her, but I was taken aback by her tears pouring down from her face. "You b-both think that I wouldn't like this stupid surprise party that you're planning for me," She finally said with some voice breaks here and there.

Lightning and I were staggered. How did she know about the surprise party?! "H-How do yoiu know?" I asked with a soft voice, since Fanny was wiping her tears away with her sleeve. "Yo-You think I don't know my own birthday is coming up?" She sniffled and sighed. Now, I feel guilty. Really guilty.

I tried to give her a hug for comfort, but she softly pushed me away. "Not right now, please..." She said with a frown. Looks like she needs some space after what just happened. I nodded my head and asked, "Do yoiu want a ride home?" She shook her head and placed her hands inside her pockets. "I'll walk. It's not far from here." She said and left to walk back home.

Silence filled up on what happened as I slowly but surely processed on. "Hey, you okay?" Lightning asked as he was approaching me. N-No. No. No, I was not. No, I was not okay, because unlike Fanny, who managed to hold her feelings in, I immediately started to break down in tears. I felt Lightning trying to pull me up from going down, "Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay..." He comforted me while also letting me throw everything out of my system.

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