Chapter IV: Surprise The Grinch

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(A.N: Be careful what you click on~)

Book’s P.O.V:
We’ve arrived at Bottle’s place! I felt kind of weird that I’m part of the meeting, even though I was never a Death P.A.C.T member in the first place. I rang the doorbell, and Tree was at the other side when he opened it,

“Hey Book and Pillow! You’re just in time, Bubble messaged me that you two saw Fanny and her at the grocery store?” Tree greeted and asked. “Yes, Tree. We did” I replied back. “Don’t worry, she didn’t suspect a thing!” “Phew! Thanks Pillow.”

We went inside and got to work! “Okay! What should we do?” Bottle started as she was passing everyone an envelope. “Well, inside of these letters has your role and I want you to follow it ‘till the end!” Lightning explained. And he continued on with telling us our roles.

“So, Book and Pillow, I want you girls to check out these three venues that I listed in there. I trust you two that you’ll pick a great location! Next up, Tree and Black Hole. I want you guys to Tree’s Floral Shop to get a LOT of green and plants. From what I’ve heard, Fanny doesn’t hate garden-related things, so that should be a piece of cake. Oh! Speaking of cake, Pie and Pen, you two are in charge of baking/ordering a cake for Fanny. She ‘likes’ cookies and cream and chocolate, so you have some options. And finally the rest of you, you’ll all be helping me with the decorations and setting up a karaoke machine! The one thing that Fanny really likes is music and singing! Now, remember…this is supposed to be a surprise party, okay? Don’t let Fanny know what we’re doing, and act normal at the community part, sounds good?”

“You can count on us, Lightning!” Marker cheered. Which made Lightning feel a lot better about it. “Let’s do it, team!”

Pillow and I left to check out the venues. The first two were a complete disaster. The final one was a shocker.

“W-Wow! This is…beautiful!” I admire. I walked around the open field, you can get a great view of the sun setting in the west. And a great place to go stargazing!

“From what I heard, you can also see fireflies! Which is why this should be the perfect place!” Pillow said. But I was a bit confused. Why would Fanny like something like this? “How do you know that she's not gonna hate it?”

“Well, one time at the airport. I was waiting for Black Hole and Remote to arrive, and I ran out of songs to listen to. I asked Fanny if she could share her Spotify playlist, and there were some good songs in there like, I Hate Everything About You, Waving Flag, Who I Am, I'm Just A Kid, ect. But one stood out and that song reminded me of this place. Fireflies by Owl City! According to Fanny’s Spotify history, that seems to be her most listened song for a few weeks.”

“Oh wow. You seem to know a lot about Fanny.” “She tends to open up to people who's close to her.” Turns out, there's more to Pillow than meets the eye.

“Hopefully she'll like it.” “She will.”

Okay. Sometimes it's infuriating whenever Pillow just says assumptions out of the blue. “How do you know?”

“Bubble said that she and Fanny had their first date here! Turns out Fanny was blushing and flustered for the entire date!” Pillow laughed, and I joined in with her.

“Hey. Did you know Fanny never had a birthday party?” “Wait what?!” That sounds so sad. Why wouldn't she-?

“Both of her parents passed away on her birthday. One had a heart attack, the other was murdered.”

I gasped in fear and covered my mouth with both of my hands. So that's why she felt down at the grocery store. Well hopefully, this party will take her mind off of it. We made a sketch on where everyone will hide and where all of the props, cake, decorations, etc will go

[Insert Map Plan Here]

Pillow's P.O.V:
We're done planning! I sent the group the address and the sketch place.

[The DPA Chat]:
Pillow 🤍🤍: Hey guys!

Pie 💙 🧡: Did you find a good location?

Pillow 🤍🤍:: I sure did! Here’s the link:

Pen 🩵 💙: woah! that looks epic. speaking of which pie and i are at the bakery picking the cake u and book want 2 come?
Pillow 🤍🤍:  We’re on our way!
Lighty 💛 💚: that’s looks so beautiful 😍 she’ll love it for sure 😉

Tree 💚 💚:  We got the stuff!
Tree 💚 💚: Got some vines, flowers, and whatnot
Tree 💚 💚: Where should i put them all?
Liy 💙🩵: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔. Just save them in ur inventory for now
Tree 💚 💚: got it!
Tree 💚 💚: tysm Liy!
Liy 💙🩵: np.

Pillow 🤍🤍:  Alright! Seems like everyintghs falling into place, ready to go to the Community Party?!
Black Hole 🖤🖤: ME! ME!
Tree 💚 💚: I am!
Tree 💚 💚: Ready too!
Bottle 🩵🩵: sameee 😀
Pen 🩵 💙: but me, pillow, book, and pie will be running a little late tho
Pie 💙 🧡: Yeah.
Pie 💙 🧡: They’ll be checking out the cakes.
Lighty 💛 💚: wait a sec-
Marker 💜 🤍: dont worry i already temporarrly removed her until after the party
Black Hole 🖤🖤: ummm. I don’t want to be that person but-
Pie 💙 🧡: *Temporarily
Pillow 🤍🤍:  Okayyyyy. We’re on our way now!

[The DPA Chat Closes Off Pillow’s Phone]

Book and I arrived at the bakery to check on Pen and Pie.

“Hey girls! What do you think about this cake?” Pen asked as he showed us the cake. It was a vanilla and chocolate cake coated with Oreo crumbs all over. There was also a white ice writing that said,
“Happy Birthday, Fanny!” With an Oreo sticking out.

“It looks delicious! Let's get that one!” Book exclaimed. We paid for the cake, and helped place it in Pie’s truck.

“Where's your car, Pen?” I asked.
“I'm…still in debt…heh..” Pen shyly responded back.
“That's why he's working a lot, and borrowing my extra truck.”
“You're…extra truck?”
“Yeah. You see, Book, I already have a car, and I got this old truck for free near a dumpster in Sesame Street, so I took her for a little spin and there you have it!” Pie explained to Book and I.

That's when Book’s alarms go off.
“Sorry about that- OH MY WORD, WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!”
“For what?”
“Did you forget already, Pen?! The community party starts at 7, it's 6:50!”
“Oh-see ya!”

I grabbed Book’s arm and immediately shoved her into the passenger seat. I turned my key in the ignition and sped away, with Pen and Pie tailing behind.

“Looks like I got shotgun now!” I celebrated, while Book was trying to comprehend what just happened.

[To be continued…]

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