Chapter VIII: I Need You More Than Ever!

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Book's P.O.V:

It was extremely late, so Pillow and I both agreed that we should walk home and 'try' to get some sleep. She started walking first while I was right behind her. She kept trying to persuade me into telling her what nightmare I had...for the past few weeks. All I did was keep my mouth shut. This is something I have to deal with on my own.

"Book, please. I've been worried sick about you, and that's coming from someone who barely cares about anything!" Pillow exclaimed to me as she catched up to me. I was walking a couple steps ahead of her after a few minutes of walking. Clouds started to swirl in dark shades of gray and tiny water droplets started to sprinkle down my face. I looked on over to Pillow who was right next to me, and immediately passed her my puffy jacket. She gave me a confused expression, in which I said, "You're literally only wearing a tank top and shorts; you're going to catch a cold if I hadn't done that."

She quickly gave me a hug and placed my jacket around me. I was both very angry and confused. Why would she give it back to me?! She then took out an umbrella that, I for some reason, haven't noticed, and opened it up. "Silly Book, did you really think I didn't check the forecast before going on a hunt to find you?" She placed the umbrella on top of the both of us. "I-umm don't need it..." I quietly mumbled. "Nuh-uh. That jacket isn't going to help you at all. It's winter friendly, not rain-proof. Stay INSIDE!" She softly snared.

I gulped in fear and continued walking alongside Pillow. That's when the nightmares replayed in my head over and over. 'I would NEVER forgive you after what you've done to me–sorry US!' Taco's voice replayed in my mind as she emphasized 'us'. Showcasing her, Ice Cube, Gaty, Saw, and...Pencil? They were all trying to talk to me normally at first, then there was yelling, a-and screaming incoherent words and sentences. Overlapping voices and screams echoed all around my head, my entire being felt more disturbed than ever before. "AHH!" I lashed out a scream in terror followed by me opening my eyes to the ground, but it wasn't cement from the sidewalk, nor I wasn't wet. It felt fluffy, like a cloud filled with soft feathers...wait–

"We-We're back home already?" I asked, sounding astonished. Pillow nodded and placed her umbrella inside a mini closet near the stairs. After that, she knelt down to my level and very softly whispered to me, "You say that you're fine...but you're not. Someone–or something is slowly and surely taking over you and're overwhelmed...I-I can't see you like this." She swooped in to give me a comfort hug.

...She's right. I've been quiet for far too long and I keep everything hidden from everyone. Including people that's considered close to me. I buried my head in her shoulder and silently started crying. "I-I-I'm so s-sorry..." I sobbed softly, just letting myself feel my girlfriend's embrace. "H-How do I-I ge-get these STUPID NIGHTMARES to j-just GO AWAY!" I vented out, still getting minor voice cracks here and there. "You...can't..." She started out.

"You can't just make them go away, you have to get over them. Until then, you're just going through the same exact thing every single night!" She exclaimed. Huh, I actually never thought of that. I wiped my tears away and proceeded to go back upstairs and get some sleep at least. "Oh, Book?" Pillow called out. "Yeah?"

"You're not going through this alone, love."

Pillow's P.O.V:

I reassured her that there's nothing to worry about and I was going to help her along the way. I watched Book going upstairs and I very tiredly dawdled myself to sleep on the couch.

Morning came in uninterrupted. I woke up and headed upstairs to wake Book up. Midway up, I received a text from an unknown number. Stating that Book's house was now bug free and she can move back in. "Seriously?!" I whined, like a little child in a carnival who didn't win any prizes. I really enjoyed my girlfriend's company and I didn't want her to leave anytime soon.

I sighed in defeat. I opened up my door, only to be welcomed by a sleeping girl. I sat down across from her and gently stroked her hair like I did a couple nights before. "I'm sorry, love..." I whispered with great emotion. Since when did I feel this way? Oh right... I let my hand go, but was caught off guard by her tightening up her grip. "Mmh..stay..please..." She groaned with extreme fatigue in her tone, before falling back asleep. I reluctantly sighed and cuddled her for a few minutes until she woke up.

"Good morning sleepyhead~" I sang while giving her a little kiss and passing back her glasses. "Wha-What time is it?" She yawned as she was rubbing her eyes and placing them on. I looked at my wall clock and it read, 9:38am. "Around 9:40!" I said with a gleam in my eye. I helped Book to stand up, and thanks with the extra rest that she had, both her back and her mind is feeling a lot better that before. I was deciding whether or not I should share Book her house's condition... 




Nah. She's staying with me and that's final!

(A.N: Hello! We did it! I don't know how, but over 1,000 people are reading this very story, which THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! You guys are the best! Unfortunately, all stories has to come to an end...two more chapters left, then an epilogue, then...that's it. Hope you'll stick around for the finale! -Era 💙)

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