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Alright this is where i will answer some of rather annoyed user that i wouldn't say their name out, the list might update as the story goes on

Also it will be until somewhere on August that the story will update by the way

First and most important, X WON'T APPEAR IN THIS STORY!

For god's sake, can you stop asking about when he will show up, I'm already make up my mind the moment i write this story, zero is fine on his own, X's appearance is not necessary as there're enough characters that act as zero's beacon, so please stop asking me about adding X into the story

Second, my story sometime rather messed up and the plot doesn't line up because as time went on, i started to change the story to make it more that just zero gone to new world, for example, back during when i first write the story croire was just zero's partner that act as zero's adopted daughter and well look how i ended up change her into zero's fully daughter in my zero's backstory chapter, so for the very least, atleast sometime try to read everything all over again because as first it might like this but next time it might like that

And third, what's wrong with me making that backstory anyway? I have read the original story of both megaman x and megaman zero and hearing drama CD enough to see alot of plothole in the story, especially in the elf war, so i just try to make it understand and by the way this is fanfiction, why are you asking me that anyway ???

That's all for now

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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