Take care

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No one's POV:
Branch is walking to Poppy's pod to say good morning, when he hears her voice above him.


Branch looks up and sees Poppy on a tree.

"Poppy, what are you doing up there?"

"I was waiting for you! I wanna test something out, and I need your opinion on it."

"And it involves you being in a tree?"

"Yes! I'm gonna swing down from the tree using my hair!"

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea."

"Trust me, I can do this."

Poppy starts swinging down the tree with her hair, but as she gets to the bottom, she misses one of the tree branches, and falls about 35 feet.


Branch runs over to where he saw Poppy fall. He sees her lying there, crying and holding her leg.

"Branch, I think I broke my leg!" Poppy says between sobs.

Branch puts his hand on her cheek, wiping away some of her tears.

"Hey, hey. You're gonna be okay, angel."

Branch slowly picks up Poppy bridal style and carries her to the bunker. Once they get there, Branch gently lays Poppy down on his bed. Poppy is still crying, tears streaming down her face.

"I-it hurts s-so much, B-branch." Poppy says through her sobs.

"I know, angel. I know."

Branch grabs his first aid kit from the closet and pulls out a bandaging before gently wrapping it around Poppy's leg. Once he's done, he looks at Poppy to see her crying has lessened. He walks over to her and wipes the remaining tears off of her face.

"Does your leg feel any better now?"

"A little." Poppy replies.

"You shouldn't have been doing that. It was way too risky, and look what happened to you."

"But I like taking risks! Even if they have consequences like this."

Branch smiles at Poppy before taking her hands in his.

"I know you do. If you didn't take risks, we wouldn't be here right now. But sometimes risks are incredibly dangerous, and can hurt you, like today. You just need to be more careful sometimes is all."

"I'll try."

"Good. Now, you know because your leg is broken you can't dance until it heals, right?"

"Wait, what!?!? That's so unfair! You are the worst-"

Poppy is suddenly cut off by Branch kissing her. Poppy wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Once they part, Poppy is smiling.

"You know, maybe this won't be so bad."

Poppy pulls Branch in for another kiss before smiling, knowing he would always be there to take care of her.

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