Fearless pt.2

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Poppy's POV: (the morning after dancing in the rain)
I slowly open my eyes, and I suddenly feel really cold, which is strange since it's the middle of summer. I think it's just a gust of wind, but the second I try to get up, my legs give out and I fall flat on my rug. I manage to stand up, but I start feeling really cold again, and I feel like I can barely breathe. I brush it off, knowing I cannot be sick ever, for I have way too many things to do.

I slowly walk out of my pod, making sure I look as normal as I can. I pass by everyone, greeting them as if nothing's bothering me, when inside, I feel like a rainbow just beat me up.

I finally make it to the lake, where I have to check the water levels and make sure there's enough water and we're not experiencing another drought (per Branch's request).

I'm putting the ruler in the water, when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my chest. I nearly fall over, but thankfully, a very familiar pair of arms catches me and spins me around to face him.

"Morning, Poppifer."

"Good morning, Branchifer!" I say, trying not to sound off, but somehow, Branch notices.

"Hey, you okay? You seem, I don't know, a little off."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I guess you just seem a duller shade of pink."

"Branch, I promise you, I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay, just promise me you'll tell me if you're not okay."

"I promise."

Branch gently kisses me on my forehead, and the moment he looks back at me, I can tell he knows something's up.

"You feel really warm, Poppy."

"Whaaaat? Nooo, I'm fine." I say, trying to deny it.

"No, you're not."

Branch puts his hand on my forehead, and his suspicions are confirmed.

"I knew it! Poppy, you clearly have a fever. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know." I say, barely able to get out that sentence before having to catch my breath.

"Ok, that's it. I'm taking you back to the bunker, and you're going to get some rest."

"What!? No, I have things to do today!" I plead.

"Well too bad. As the future king, I order you to go to the bunker with me and rest." Branch says.

"Ughhhhh, fineeee. But if something bad happens while I'm gone, it's you who's taking the blame." I say before trying to walk off, but my legs once again give out from underneath me, and I nearly fall flat on my face again, but Branch quickly catches me.

"See what I mean?"

"Nope, still don't see it."

Branch holds my arm as we walk to the bunker, careful not to let me fall again.

Once we make it, I start feeling really cold again. Obviously, Branch notices this and speaks up.

"You cold?"

"A little." I say through chattering teeth.

Suddenly, Branch puts 2 and 2 together, and he stares at me, a knowing look on his face.

"I know how you got sick." He says.

"H-how?" I ask, my body shaking.

"When you danced in the rain last night. I told you that you were going to get pneumonia, but you dragged me out there anyway."

"Then why aren't you sick? You danced in the rain with me."

"Because I have a stronger immune system from being out in the forest so much, but you don't, so it makes sense that you got sick and I didn't."

We finally make it down to the bottom, my body getting even colder by the second. Branch takes note of this as he grabs at least five blankets and wraps all of them around me. I start to feel a little bit warmer, but I suddenly feel the sharp pain in my chest again. Branch clearly notices my full of pain face, and looks at me with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I keep feeling this sharp pain in my chest, like someone just stabbed me."

"That's a side effect of pneumonia. You're gonna be fine, just after you rest and take some medicine."

I slowly nod, too out of breath to talk.

Branch slowly leads me over to his bed, his hand never letting go of my much colder one. He lets me slowly get in before he pulls the blankets over me, enveloping me like I'm in a cocoon. I already start feeling warmer, and I let out a soft smile.

"Feeling better?"

"A little bit, yes."

"Good. Now, I'm going to get you something to eat, so you just rest here."

Branch gently kisses my forehead before walking out of the room, and I just think how lucky I am to have a boyfriend as amazing as him.

A few moments later, Branch returns with a cupcake and some water.

"I got you your favorite." He smiles at me as he says this.

"Thank you, Branch."

I slowly eat the cupcake, savoring every bite. I'm just about finished when I feel something weird go down my throat with the cupcake.

"Hey, Branch?"


"Did you put something else in the cupcake?"

"Okay, so there may have been a slight chance I put medicine in it to trick you into eating it."

"What!? Why would you do that!?"

"I only did it because I knew you wouldn't take it otherwise, so I improvised a little bit."

I sigh at him, knowing he was right.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You feeling any better now?"

"A lot better, actually."

"Well, let's see."

Branch places his hand on my forehead, and he smiles at me.

"Not warm."


I jump out of bed and tackle him in a massive bear hug.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Branch."

"Of course. I'll always take care of you, no matter what."

I slightly pull away from the hug, just far enough so I can look at his beautiful blue eyes. With no warning, Branch leans in and kisses me. I gently melt into the kiss, smiling. Once we pull away and realize we're still on the floor, we help each other up.

Suddenly, I let out a massive yawn.

"You wanna go to sleep?"


We get in bed next to each other, and I rest my head on Branch's chest before falling asleep, knowing my love would always be there to take care of me.

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