Kosala Princes

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It had taken Urmila , two whole weeks to recover and feel herself again and another whole week  Sunaina to be assured that her daughter was already to enter her normal routine. So on the first dawn of her discharge , the princess had dragged a rather reluctant Shrutakiriti to their practice, with their swords in their hands. 

"Do you think you should be doing this right now?" Urmila could sense the worry in Shruta(Shrutakirthis)'s voice while she asked this question. And why wouldn't she be ? Shruta wasnot the person , Urmila had approached for a friendly practice. She had been turned down by every other swordsmen in the palace. It was apparent, that Sunaina had strict orders , that the princess in no circumstance be allowed for the defence practices for a few more days. But Urmila was already restless, been in her chambers for all those days , appeared to be tortorous for her . Even though the queen had allowed her to go to the court, and toil around the city with her sisters, her heart yearned for hearing the clashing sounds of the swords.

"Don't worry , I will take care of Maa" 

The two girls took a moment, staring at each other ..then one ..two ..and three, sounds of the two metals clashing against each other , as the sisters swiftly made their moves. Almost a month of being away from practice, and it has aldready started to show on Urmila's deftness. Her strokes came faulty , and she groaned with frustration. Shruta on the other hand was quite promt with her sword and Urmila could see how her sister had progressed. Then Always , Shruta had been interested in the Army. Urmila took a mental note of asking her father , to give Shruta a a chance to work with the Senapati (the General). 

A few minutes into their practice , and Shruta took a step back ,

" I guess it is enough. We must head home"

With her arm begining to ache Urmila , couldn't agree more. 


" With , Urmila recovered , I think me mustn't waste any longer" Janak had gathered his entire family , calling it an urgent discussion. Sunaina was about to counter her husband when Janak continued, 

" It's been almost a month , since Brahmrishi had requested your presence in his Ashram. I think it is not wise , to delay it any longer . We are all , of course ",he looked at his wife,"well aware of his wrath" 

Ever since the Brahmrishi had left after having a private conversation with her father , Urmila could sense something was wrong. Even though , her father never disclosed anything about their talk, Urmila could sense, it was about Sita. She had , at times caught him, giving a melancholic stare at her sister. What could that be about ? Was Sita in any trouble ? 

When she tried to talk about this with her elder sibling, she gently dismissed with her usual smile ," You worry too much about me, Urmi" she had said. And why wouldn't she ? After all Sita was almost like a mother to her . Didnot she have sleepless nights , taking care of her , when Urmila fell sick ? Didnot she pamper her , more than her parents ever did?

"Urmila"the sound of her father calling her broke her trance, " Are you well enough to ride a horse on your own?"

"Of course, pitashree."

"Very well then" Janak announced," Tomorrow dawn , the four of you shall be leaving for Rishi Vishwamitra's ashram. Khushadhwaja will be taking you all there."


Rishi Vishwamitra's ashram was situated in heart of the hills , inside the thick dark forests that began from the periphery of Mithila. A  small portion inside the forests had been cleaned, and a few small and neat huts have been made.  A river flowing  just beside the place, served the water to residents of the Ashram. The princesses had changed from their regular majestic and brightly colored  skirts , to plain and pastel shaded dhotis , and attire that was more suited for their stay in the Ashram. When they arrived , they were warmly welcomed by the sages and their wives. The students of the Ashram , were however, quite intrigued in having a royal company. However Vishwamitra's expression remained stoic. He had asked Khusadhwaja to leave, when he too offered to stay as long as the princesses were supposed to.

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