The Great Scholar

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The arrival of Vishwamitra came as a surprise. It wasn't the for the first time that the Rishi had graced Janaka's land  but all the previous visits were informed prior. Now as the queen and the King rushed from the hospital to main palace , and simultaneusly ordering the servants to make accomodations for Vishwamitra, Janak couldn't help but wonder what has brought the great scholar to his country. Things have not been quite normal for Mithila back then , first the attack of Sankasya , then Urmila's condition and presently Vishwamitra's visit. 

As Janak , reached forthe courtroom , he saw that Vishwamitra had already seated and made himself comfortable. 

" Pranam , Brahmrishi " he said, his hands folded in a respectful gesture , as he walked in the room. " How may I help you ?" 

Vishwamitra , was well known across the Aryabharta, for his formidible and invincible. Having renounced all of his wordly possesions , the once-a -king Vishwamitra had delved himself completely into knowledge and learning, gaining for himself all of his glory through intense penace. 

" I have heard about your recent victory over Sankasya. " , when Vishwamitra spoke, his voice reverberated across the entire room , perfectly reflecting the might and strength he held. "I have been around your kingdom , and I thought of personally comming and congratulating you .."

" But Gurudev , Alas! I am not the one you should be congratulating .It was my brother who had led the army to the war !"

Vishwamitra marveled at Janaka's humility. Janak was sometimes too modest to be a King. But the Seerdhwaj Janak , had always been different from the other kings. When most of Kingdoms , calculated their wealth based on gold, Janak had made his country's treasure to be knowledge. While, the other Rajas (Kings) were trying hard for a son , Janak remained a proud father of four daughters. 

Vishwamtra looked at the Kings's side , to find that they were joined by the kings's family. He smiled at Janak's brother , who like his elder subling had his hands folded.

" Ayushmanbhava  ( May you live long), Khushwadhwaja. You are a brave man , may you be always victorius in your life " 

The Rishi then glanced at the three girls standing next to their mothers. The tales of the Mithilian Princesses ,were quite popular in the other kingdoms. The stories, however didnot do them justice. They were no just beautiful maidens , who had  recieved the most elite education, who took part in political  arguments , or girls who went to the battle field.  Now that Vishwamitra could see them closely, he realized that the daughters of Janak were much more than that. 

As if understanding the Rishi's wish , Janak voluntered to introduce each of the girls to the scholar.  

" This is Mandavi, Khushadhwaj and Chandrabhaga's eldest " 

The girl in question, bend down to touch his feet. 

" Ayshmanbhava"

Mandavi appeared to be the most regal of the sisters. She clearly knew her position in the society and the way she was carrying herself , showed her authoritative nature. She appeared to firm and strong but the warmth in her eyes showed how much she cared. "A true born Royal", Vishwamitra noted in his mind.

" This is Khushadhwaj's younger daughter , Shrutakirti"

The youngest princess, seemed like the breath of fresh air. The girl appeared to be interested in being outdoors , rather than being inside the confinements of the palace. Her eyes bespoke of the knowledge she bore. Even though the youngest , the girl seemed to be the wisest among all. 

"And this .. this is my elder daughter, Sita" 

As the eldest princess seeked his blessings, Vishwamitra could sense a different aura about her- a aura that was almost divine. Sita , was different , not just from her sisters but also from everyone. She was truly a miracle, that has graced Janak's land with her presence. She appeared to be some celestial power that was send to the earth for the greater good. 

" Sada sukhi raho,putri ( always be happy ,daughter) . Your presence shall be creating new histories for the world to see" 

Having been introduced to the three girls, it was now Vishwamitra's turn to ask Janak 

" But where is your other child ?"

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly appeared to be tensed. Clearly the subject of Urmila's health , was still a sensitive issue. 

" Forgive us , Bramhrishi", Sunaina came forward to answer," but our daughter is in no state to get up from the bed. She had arrived from the war , and her injuries are still quite fresh."

Vishwamitra looked at Janak in a rather strange way. 

" O Janak", he said," Then I must meet this brave daughter of yours" .


Urmila couldn't sleep. Even though the doctors who were attending her, had repeatedly asked her to rest, citing that staying awake was not doing any good for her health. But sleep had escaped her , ever since the messenger had come with news of Vishwamitra's arrival.Why was the great Rishi here ? Why didn't he inform about his visit earlier? All these questions were constantly nagging her. She felt irritated with her inability to walk herself to the main hall. Her sisters and parents have been gone for quite a long time for now. And Urmila knew , she couldn't calm down , unless anyone of them came and gave answers to her questions. Why was the Bramhrishi in Mithila ? From whatever Urmila knew about Vishwamitra , Urmila knew his visit couldn't be without a motive. But what could that be?

As if to answer her plight, Urmila found the Rishi himself stepping into the chambers, followed closely by her father and her family. Urmila tried to get up from her half sitting position, but failed miserably. Grimancing with an immense , she joined her hands , 

" Pranam, Rishivar"

Vishwamtra seemed to me almost unsympathetic , as he looked at her. His expression was unreadble , and a tense silence followed as the sage didnot say anything. Urmila worried. Did she by any chance offend him?

" The Warrior Princess of Mithila , how are you ?" The great scholar seemed finished scrutinizing her. 

" With your presence enlightning our doorstep, I couldn't be any happier" 

Vishwamitra smiled. The girl was a true daughter of Janaka. She was wise , her words carved with her diplomatic skills , she could fight in a war . Mithila would surely see prosperous day during her reign. But there was something , that gnawed the great scholar. The future of all the four girls , were highly linked with each other .Their fate was so entangled with each other , that it almost appeared a mess. With the others , he had sensed it . But for Urmila , it appeared stronger. It almost appeared that her destiny , entirely depended on her sister's. But was that for good ? - that was something even Viswamitra couldn't answer  himself. 

" You will be a great queen " the great sage said , and then carefully , as if measuring his next words very delicately he said , " But Love is a price you shall pay"

Even before Urmila could comprehend what was she told,  Vishwamitra turned towards her father , " You must send your girls to my ashram  ( school) soon. Of course ", he turned towards Urmila ," when you are able to ride your horse on your own. There are many things that you and your sisters must learn."

" That is a wonderful oppurtunity, Rishivar" Janak exclaimed. Of course , to be taught by Vishwamitra himself , was a chance very fewcould get. 

" But Rajen ", the Rishi said, " I have another task for you. And for that we must speak in private" 

Vishwamitra gave another glance at Urmila as he strode out of the room with her father , leaving the bewildered women back in the room. Even the ever calm Sita , had a puzzled expression. 

What was the great sage upto?

What does he want to tell their father ?

Why did he wish for them to go to his Ashram?

And what did he mean by " Love is a price you shall pay "?

If only Urmila had the answers. 

From The Author , 

 Yours votes and Comments will motivate me in finising the story.

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