The Storm: Chapter Eighteen

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The room erupted into blinding light as the switch flicked on. My reflex was to retreat, pressing against the door as if it offered some refuge from the sudden dazzle. A subtle click drew my attention to the far side, where the door inched open with a protesting creak. Dr. Adlai's silhouette emerged, followed by the figure of a nurse clad in green scrubs.

"What's happening here?" I demanded, my voice tinged with a mix of fear and defiance. I edged away from the door, finding solace in the farthest corner of the room. My accusatory finger pointed squarely at the doctor. "And who exactly are you?"

Dr. Adlai glanced up from his charts, exchanging a knowing glance with the nurse. With a weary sigh, he moved towards a wall lined with intricate machinery, reminiscent of those I had seen in the rooms before. Placing his charts on a sterile white table, he rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. " I feared zis moment vould come," he murmured.

"Fear of what?" I struggled to keep my composure, the sense of confinement tightening its grip on my chest. "What aren't you telling me? Who are you to me?"

" Bleaze, take ein zeat," Dr. Adlai urged, gesturing towards a chair adorned with metallic apparatus and wires, ominously positioned nearby. " I can Hexblain Hefferyzing."

"I'm not going near that contraption," I protested, my breath hitching as panic threatened to overwhelm me. "I've already made my choice. They promised I could decide." The room felt smaller, the walls closing in as I scanned for an escape. The door I entered through was sealed shut, and their presence blocked any other exit. Where could I run?

"Unfortunadely, orters haffe peen hanted dovn from higher up," Dr. Adlai lamented, his tone tinged with regret. I shook my head vehemently, refusing to budge another inch. The pounding in my ears drowned out their words, the walls of the room seeming to close in.

The nurse exchanged a concerned glance with the doctor. "Shall I fetch one of the guards? It seems they forgot to inform us of her current level."

"Nein, CHoel, let's giffe Clarke ein chance to cooberate. Infolffing zee guards might only comblicate zings," Dr. Adlai interjected calmly, his gaze shifting between us.

The nurse acquiesced with a nod, returning his attention to the intricate machinery in the room.

"Hacdually." The nurse turned to face Dr. Adlai again. "Could vu help me locate zee rest of zee bapervork? Zeems I'fe graped zee vrong file. It schould pe in one of zee dravers in zee lab."

The nurse hesitated, considering the request. "Let me call for a guard just in case she becomes..." His gaze flickered towards me, "...unwilling to cooperate."

"Ve'll pe fine, CHoel," Dr. Adlai reassured, leading the nurse towards the door. "Vu von't pe kone long, und I can manage here." With a swift motion, Dr. Adlai retrieved a small metallic cylinder from his lab coat, flashing its red button before tucking it away securely.

"Alright," Joel relented, exiting the room and closing the door firmly behind him.

"Now, schall ve?" Dr. Adlai gestured towards the chair once more, his tone gentle yet insistent. I hesitated, but the pressure of the situation weighed heavily on me. "Zee longer vu vait, zee higher zee risk of guards Hinderffening."

"You promised you'd help me escape," I murmured, feeling a pang of betrayal. "Not this."

"I am helbing vu," Dr. Adlai assured, his frustration evident. " Put vu need to cooberate. Bleaze, zit on zee chair."

Reluctantly, I complied, recognizing the futility of resistance. Dr. Adlai joined me, conducting checks with a light and pen, his movements methodical yet tinged with an air of urgency.

The Huntress DescentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora