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Summer's P.O.V.

A groan escaped my lips, my head feeling like someone bashed it against a boulder as I tried to sit up. It felt like I slept for a whole year and at the same time only for a minute. My vision blurred, and my breath fell short as intense pain shot through my entire body, especially my head. I could barely keep myself straight when suddenly the pain subsided, making me question if it was even there. I looked around to figure out where I was but the sight that greeted me made my breath fall short in the best possible way.

I was sitting in front of a gorgeous wedding chapel, adorned with beautiful flowers. Everything was covered in roses, either red or white. The aisle, covered in hundreds of white petals, was connected to the most vibrant-looking altar with a semi-circle backdrop, covered in red roses. The walls were aligned with floor-to-ceiling wooden panels, with intricately designed windows carved out. The sunlight shone from the back of the altar where multiple panels crossed each other in a slant, showcasing the beautiful forest behind.

The forest behind? Wait a minute!

I don't remember being in a forest. The last time I checked I was on my way to get groceries. I stopped at a red light and then...a huge gasp escaped my lips, my eyes watering as everything came crashing down on me. I was hit, from behind. There was a loud noise and the last thing I felt was the excruciating pain in my head. Did I die? Is this heaven? Shouldn't I be in a hospital?

I started to check myself for any injuries when my eyes suddenly landed on my body. For starters, I was not wearing my regular clothes. My body was wrapped in possibly the most beautiful wedding dress I could think of. Just by the looks of it, I could tell that it was a gorgeous fit-flare dress with a v-neck too deep and lace sleeves. It was exactly how I imagined my wedding dress to be. But why was I in a wedding dress? Is this all real or did I suffer a concussion? The chapel, the dress, is this my wedding which I somehow forgot?

Looking around my pulse raced in fear when I saw a man lying beside me. He didn't kidnap me, did he?

So not only did I somehow manage to land myself in a chapel in a wedding dress that wasn't even mine, but there was also a man lying next to me and I had no idea where I was.

Stellar job, Summer.

And that's how you wanted to spend your weekend, it's just great. I had been able to completely ignore his presence till now but not anymore.

He lay unconscious with his hair falling around his face, and for the life of me, I couldn't recognize him. As if on cue, a deep guttural sound escaped past his lips as his eyes flew open. He looked possibly more disoriented than me but then again I haven't seen myself in the mirror, maybe I look worse.

His expression changed rapidly, I could tell the same emotions ran through his head as mine; pain, confusion, and fear. Unlike me, he quickly realized that he wasn't alone.

"Who are you?" He asked with an unexpected hint of disdain, his voice groggy from all the sleep.

"I could ask you the same thing. Who the hell are you? And where did you take me?" I ask with just as much disdain in my voice.

"What do you mean 'take you'? Do I look like some low-life kidnapper to you?" He snarled, my comment making him angry.

"Well, then where the fuck am I? And why in the world am I in this dress?" I felt a stinging sensation behind my eyes. I stood up and started pacing back and forth, afraid of this whole situation and also not wanting to cry in front of a stranger. He copied my stance and stood to his height and that's when I saw it. I wasn't the only one in this outfit.

He was wearing a tuxedo which looked like it was tailored just for him, a snug fit against his body, I couldn't help but see just how broad his shoulders looked and how tall he was.

I felt his eyes roaming all over my body. They first zeroed in on my dress making me feel a tad nervous, I mean the dress was a little too deep for my liking, and for all I knew he could be a pervert. His eyes then traveled to my face and the distaste was clear on his face, maybe for me or maybe for the situation.

"Don't curse. And do I look like I know the answers? I woke up just now for crying out loud." He said irritated.

"Were you going to get married?" I asked timidly.

"What? No no." He replied hurriedly before continuing, "I was on my way to my girlfriend's house when my brakes failed and the last thing I remember was crashing into someone's car."

My eyes widen, no it couldn't be. It can't be. Anger courses through my body just at the mere thought.

"Which road were you headed?"

"Huh? 18th why?" Fury shot through my blood, my throat closed as tears escaped involuntarily.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" He asked softly.

"Y-you hurt me. Y-you were the one who crashed into my car. You killed me." I screamed, my voice breaking at the end.

"No, I did not. You don't know that." His voice was a mere whisper in the end.

"Yes, you did. I was on the same path when suddenly a car hit me from behind. It was you."

"No, it wasn't me. You said that the car was behind you so it's natural you didn't see who it was. I can assure you that it wasn't by my hands." His gentle voice soothed something inside me and for a moment I believed him. But there was still this nagging in my head that told me something bad was about to happen.

"Are we dead?" Deep down I already knew the truth but I was too afraid to accept it.

"Seems like it, yeah." He said reluctantly.

A lone tear escaped and that's when I let go of all the others I had been holding back. I cried, my chest tight with all these emotions that I couldn't express. Why did this happen? Why did this happen to me?

My time was too short. I didn't live enough, I didn't love enough. More tears escaped when I thought about all the things that I didn't get to do. It was unfair. My whole life was unfair.

I was becoming hysteric when two unsure arms gently wrapped themselves around me. I immediately hugged back, needing comfort.

"It's alright. Everything will be okay." It won't be I wanted to say but didn't. Instead, I just hugged him tighter and let my tears fall freely. He held me securely in his arms but I felt his tears. His body would shake ever so slightly and I would rub a soothing hand on his back just like he had done on mine.

We stood there in silence for a long time, just crying in each other's embrace, trying to reel in our new reality, scared and having no idea what to do next.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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