Prologue 1

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A/N: I am changing the reason Kim left the Mighty Morphin team. Also I don't know how well these dates line up with the dates in Ninja Steel, but we are just saying they do for the purpose of this story.

Kimberly's POV:

Three months ago I gave my power coin to Katherine and left the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger team because of the opportunity I have in Paris. She took my place as the Pink Ranger. 

Two months ago Tommy and I said goodbye for the final time. We shared an amazing night and then broke up the next day. The only reason we broke up was because of the new distance we would have to deal with. I love him, but we both agreed that long distance across an ocean would be too difficult. I haven't heard from him since.

Now I'm in Paris, for an amazing opportunity in a 2 year long fashion internship. But instead of exploring the city on my day off, I am sitting in my bathroom puking my guts out in the toilet.

There is a knock on the bathroom door and I hear my roommate speak up. "Kim. Are you okay in there?"

I cough. "Oh yeah. I'm peachy Claire." I say and she comes in and looks at me in concern.

"This has been going on for days. Maybe you should go to a doctor." Claire tells me.

"I hate going to the doctor." I complain.

"Yeah well. This can't keep happening. You're miserable." She says and then grabs a feminine product from under the sink. I stare at it and widen my eyes.

"Oh my god." I say in shock

"What? What's wrong?" Claire asks

"Oh. My. God." I say again with wide eyes and putting my hand over my mouth.

"What is it?"

"I'm late." I whisper out still in shock.

"What?" Claire asks since she didn't hear me.

I look at her, still with wide eyes. "I'm late. I haven't gotten my period since I came to Paris. I was so busy, I didn't even notice. Oh god."

Claire's eyes widen. "You're late?" I just nod shocked. "Okay. We need to get you a test to make sure. Wait is it even possible?"

"Umm...Yeah. Do you remember me telling you about Tommy?"

"Yeah the boyfriend you left behind in Angel Grove. You broke up because of your move here right?" She asks 

I nod, "Yeah. Right before I left, we spent the night together."

"Okay. So two months ago?"

"Yeah." I said with a nod and put my hand on my stomach. "What am I going to do?" I ask looking at her.

"Well first thing that is going to happen is that I am going to go and get you a test...or five...and then you will take them before anything else is decided. But I have to ask....if it is positive, are you going to keep it?"

I look down at my hand on my stomach. "Yes. I have always wanted to have children someday."

"Did you imagine you would be pregnant at 18 though?"

"No. But if I am pregnant...I can't get rid of it. I just can't."

"Okay. We will figure it out. But first thing's first. The test. I'll be back in 10 minutes."

Ten minutes later Claire returns with a plastic bag with 5 different pregnancy tests in it. I drink like a gallon of water before going into the bathroom and taking the tests. I walk out of the bathroom after washing my hands. Claire is waiting on the other side of the door nervously. "We have to wait 5 minutes for the results." I tell her nervously.

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