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A few weeks had gone by since Y/n had gone back to school, and Professor Mo was driving everyone crazy.

"No more money sending!" Dani scolded Minji for the 5th time in the week.

"Dani, leave it!" Haerin was tired of Dani telling Minji the same thing over and over again.

"Parents send money. Girlfriends send cute pics and care packages!" Dani snatched Minji's phone from her desk.

- Minji POV -

Danielle kept insisting that I needed to stop giving Y/n 'motherly' energy and needed to start acting like a 'proper' girlfriend.

Whatever tf that was.

"Y/n is a kid and she needs money to survive," I had a headache at this point.

I understood Dani was just trying to help, but I couldn't deal with extra stuff I genuinely didn't see the point in.

"I hate to get into this conversation, but Dani is right. You're acting more like Y/n's mommy than her girlfriend," Haerin suddenly interjected.

"No wonder the kid doesn't complain about you neglecting her," I heard her mumble under her breath.

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my brows.

"Y/n is used to her actual mommy neglecting her. Why tf would she complain about you doing the same thing? As far as I could tell, in Y/n's eyes, you're just a roof and food at this point," Haerin was getting disrespectful with me.

"Haerin stop!" Dani ordered.

- Haerin POV -

I scoffed and got up from my usual chair.

At this point, Danielle and I practically lived in Minji's new CEO office.

I was too comfortable to sit back and just listen at this point.

Plus, I was tired of this back and forth between my girlfriend and my ex.

"No, I'm tired of psychoanalyzing the poor broken kid... when Minji is the one who's dense!" I was annoyed.

"What is it with you? Did you take this kid in and accidentally become her girlfriend or what? Cus you're acting like you're not that interested in her romantically anymore," I leaned over Minji's desk.

Minji glared at me straight in the eyes.

"Because if that's the case then break up with her," I hissed.

The drama of it all was getting to me.

"How dare you?" Minji greeted through her teeth.

- Minji POV -

"You know better than anyone that I love her more than anyone in this world," I tightened my jaw in anger.

Haerin and Danielle were getting on my nerves.

"Then act like it," Haerin scoffed then marched out of my office.

Dani glared at me for a second, before deciding to follow after Haerin.

"Wait!" I stopped her just before she could walk out of the door.

"What was that all about?" I sighed out, giving into whatever the couple was insinuating.

"I know you love her," Danielle exhaled.

"I know you want to give her all the basics she lacked for a long time... but you're directing the relationship in the wrong direction...," Dani walked over to fix the lapels on my jacket.

"Y/n doesn't need a replacement for her mother. Y/n needs her girlfriend. Y/n needs an explanation from her girlfriend about all of this," Dani signal towards my office.

"She also needs an explanation about all of this!" She then shook her hands up and down.

"You're a mess!" She huffed out, before walking off.






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