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"Stay away from her," Professor Kim told Sakura.

Sakura didn't understand why she was being approached by a random Professor. At first, she thought it was like a welcome chat from a professor in her department... until Minji started threatening her.....

"Can I ask why?" Sakura asked a little confused.

"Because she lives with me," Professor Kim confessed.

"I know her situation. I know what she needs. I know what she lacks. Having someone from her past may cause reckless behavior I don't want," The Professor covered herself flawlessly.

It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't entirely true either.

Instead of taking Y/n's advice about facing her past, Minji decided to remove Y/n's past for her safety.

Who was in the right...was entirely up to perspective.....

- Sakura POV -

I didn't know why Professor Kim just randomly threatened me.

I could only think of one reason.

"Hey, Y/n!!" I yelled when I finally came across Y/n.

"Huh?" Y/n stupidly looked at me and took an AirPod out of their ears.

"You're fucking your teacher. Aren't you?!" I questioned.

Y/n quickly ran at me and placed their hand over my mouth.

I quickly smacked Y/n's hand away from me.

I knew Y/n all too well.

"Will you shut up?" Y/n hissed at me.

I took a deep breath in frustration. The last thing I wanted was to get Y/n in trouble. "Mind explaining why your teacher just threatened me?" I tightened my jaw out of anger.

"Yes, we're sleeping together. But shut your mouth up. I don't need her loosing her job," Y/n honestly answered.

Unlike when we were dating, Y/n had learned not to lie anymore.

Y/n wasn't exactly the best partner, if you ask me, but Y/n wasn't entirely at fault when it came to us breaking up either.

"What's the matter with you?" I started to smack Y/n because of their stupidity.

"Why can't you keep it in your pants?!" I kept on smacking her.

Truth was...., Y/n had cheated on me 3 times during our relationship....

I had only stayed because it felt good to be needed.

Also...., because I knew Y/n's potential.... and I had hoped I was the one to help her get to where she wanted....

Even if it meant that she left me to move to another country.

"In all honesty, she kissed me first. She made the first move and I slowly started to like her back," Y/n lowly answered as she held my wrists to keep from hitting her.

"Either way, she's a professor!" I snatched my wrists from Y/n's grips.

"Yeah," Y/n sighed out.

I rolled my eyes for a bit and pushed my tongue against my cheek to think.

"She's like you. If that makes you feel better," Y/n suddenly mumbled.

"She takes care of me and she doesn't judge me. It's hard for her too, but she's stuck around for this long. She's even seen how sick I can get at times... but she doesn't run away from it...," Y/n explained.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now