Just Us

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By the time 2nd had rushed there, he was panting as he held himself up on his knees a moment before coming over to the rest.
"What happened?!" He got out between loud, heavy breaths.
He was quickly answered by 3rd, who was also there, "We left for like, just a few minutes, and now Luke's missing."
3rd quickly glances away after spilling that out.
2nd stays silent a moment, slightly shocked, and worried. Luke was probably already... yeah, in that case.
"Did.. Did you try calling him??"
"Yeah, he wont answer either of us."
"Mm... He could just be still... I dunno, mad at us or upset with us."
"Fair point!"
They both think, before 2nd himself goes to try spam-calling Luke. And it answered!!
2nd was relieved when he heard Luke's very recognizable voice.
"Where are you?!? We— Wait no- These idiots were worried sick about you! And were uh... annoying me about it."
Silence for a moment.
"I was ... distracted."
"Doing what?!"
"...Taking care of someone—"
"OH MY GOD, are you serious right now."
"I hate you."
2nd then hangs up. Just as the usual.
3rd and 4th blink at him.
"He's fine. Just doing his stuuupid own little thing." 2nd mumbles. "So I guess it's just us or whatever for now."
3rd tilts his head, "Yay?"
4th nods.
3rd grins at that and giggles.
"We can do anything-" 3rd says.
"Oh, shut it, no we can't." 2nd immediately states in response.
"And why??"
"Because I said so!"
"Give a real reason."
"Because I'm exhausted!"
"Stop using the same tone-?"
"Sorry, I dont know why I'm doing that!"


4th speaks up, "We should steal some plushies—"
"Shut up 4th" 2nd and 3rd told in exact unison.
4th goes silent before 3rd shakes his head, "Not literally."
"Oh. Sorry." 4th sighs before looking out a window.
3rd rolls his eyes.
"You're so boring! How are you not always bored?!"
"I'm never anything."
"Like I know." 4th shrugs, turning fully aroumd and walking over to the other side of the room, leaning on the frame of the window and looking at the outside. There were heavy clouds out, making it dark and shadowy. It was calming and saddening at the same time. If he even felt that much of it. He thinks to himself, deeply.
2nd and 3rd stare at him, then eachother, then him again, all in confusion.
"What's up with him?" 3rd whispers over to 2nd.
"I have absolutely no idea, he's like that sometimes, you should know that." 2nd whispers back.
3rd then pulls himself back up from where he was leaning over to whisper, as does 2nd. They continue staring a moment before finally looking away, turning towards one another.
"What now? It always feels like it's just us these days." 3rd questions.
"Yeah..." 2nd glances at the ground, lowering his head, "I don't know. Maybe we could just do something basic."
3rd lets out a 'hmmm' as he tries to think of an idea.
"Basic, not gay-"
"Too basic."
"Too usual."
"Unnecessary theories?"
"Perfect." 2nd finally nods as he grabs 3rd by the wrist and runs upstairs to his room, dragging 3rd along.
He shuts the door and goes over to his closest, taking a few minutes before going over to the middle of his room and sitting down, now holding a whiteboard and marker.
3rd sits down aswell, on his legs and knees, while 2nd stays in a criss-cross sitting position.
2nd silently pops the cap off of the marker, scribbling down away onto the whiteboard. Around eight minutes pass before 2nd places the marker on the area of carpeted floor beside him, as he turns the whiteboard around to reveal various writing and little drawings to 3rd.
"What's... all'at supposed to mean??" 3rd says, soundinf super confused and lost with it.
2nd turns it back around to look at it himself again, analyzing it to make sure he got it all right. After he checks it all, he turns it back around to 3rd and places it into 3rd's hands.
"Find out yourself." 2nd tells him, whilst 3rd observes it the best he can. Though he still wasn't really getting it. 2nd was much better at explaining complex things, while 3rd on the other hand sucked at explaining and understanding complex things. He wasn't gonna figure it out, atleast not anytime soon.
But he gives a thumbs-up to try to pretend he's getting the hang of it.

Meanwhile , with 4th; He was still just at that window, lost in thought. But what was he thinking? Who knows, it's always a mystery with him. Realizing he's alone as he snapped back to reality, he sighs once again, as he pulls away from the window and looks around. He must've zoned out a while was what he was assuming. Which was correct. He makes sure he's fully back before going over to a random spot in the room. He didn't really know anything to do. It's fine, he doesn't care all too much. He never understood why 3rd just always had to be doing something. To be clear, it really just fascinated him. They were fairly opposite but fairly similar. As he was with most of them.
He decides to go over to the staircase, taking a seat on the first step of it.
He, not too long after, falls back into thought. Whatever it was, he just couldn't get over it. He suddenly winces to himself, flincing a bit.
"Ngh— Ah, this..." He mutters. He tries to gather himself and calm down after the bit of surprise from that, but it happens again. And again. That same pain. He hated it even though he didn't care about it, both at the same time.
He eventually sees no use in fighting against it and gives up, as he stands back up, seeming to be how he usually is again. But still no one is around.
Hey, now'd be a good time to check in on Leo and Felix! So he does just that, going out quickly whilst grabbing his phone out to call them at the same time.

Now - We just wait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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