Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE- Cathy never had a name, but she was the lady who came in with like 40683392 kids

Barbara sent me to the store, to get bread. Problem, we have no bread money. We've been run dry. So I have to steal it. I've never done anything like this before. Adrenaline courses through me like its blood. I start coujting until i get to a number like 3 thej i will but i keep starting over instead. Here goes. No it doesnt.

Barbara is a lot hetter at stuff like this. Shes been stealing since she was 4. She never had a choice. She stole ciggerettes for her sisters boyfriends out of fear. If she didnt theyd hit her or something awful like that. Shed steal bread because if she didnt she'd go hungry.. Shed steal medicine for her dad because she was scared what hed do if she didn't. She'd steal things because she had to. She said she would steal now because she's a natural, but I told her that's behind her now and I'll do it. She's pregnant anyway. Getting caught means she has a lit more to lose. I think of all this and shove the bread up my shirt.i can barely breathe and-

Micheal?" A somewhat familiar voice sounds. "Haven't seen you in ages! Wait, are you stealing?" Cathy says. Shit. I'm going to go to jail or something and then me and Barbara will be totally fucked. "Yes. Bread, but it's only because-" She laughs a little. I don't know how she could possible find this funny. "I'm not here to pull your dick, Micheal. It's bread. I get it. If it was a video game then maybe, but not bread. Let me get you a basket."
"But then they'll know that-"
"I'm buying your groceries. And don't worry about the price. Get everything. Nice meats, fun stuff, anything. I imagine you haven't had much fun stuff to eat recently. I'll buy the basic groceries for as long as you need after this too, and you can pay me back whenever you can, but this is on me."  I'm taken aback. I wasn't expecting this at all. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure. So, what's been going on with you recently? Got a girl?"
"Barbara and I are still together-"
"That's amazing! I've always loved her. Always thought you were good for each other." Cathy was more like a mom than my actual mom sometimes. "I love her. I got really lucky. I know every 19 year old couple thinks they're gonna be together forever, and they're usually wrong, but I would bet a billion dollars she's the one. Sorry. I'm probably boring you."
"No, it's okay." I grab the basket and all the groceries I need. She comes back. "I wasn't joking,  get anything. Don't sorry about the cost. I mean it." I do as she says and buy all the stuff we haven't had ever since we even found out about the baby. I do as she says and go ham. I also buy pregnancy vitamins for Barb. We get to the cash register. "Let me know if I should put anything back." I place everything on the conveyer belt thingy and I put the vitamins. "Oh, Micheal, those are for pregnant women." Cathy says. "Yeah, I know." I reply. She has a confused expression and then it clicks. "Oh Barbara's pregnant! That's amazing! I have tons of baby furniture I don't need anymore. Take it!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I don't need it." That's such a relief. We need that furniture. Like, re ally need it.

A while later, me and Jamie take everything we need and bring it upstairs. "Careful, idiot."
"Watch it. You're at the bottom of the stairs here. All I need to do is drop it, watch you fall to your doom." We put the crib slabs against the wall of our apartment and I jingle the keys in the door. "Im gonna get some stuff from the car." I nod and unlock the door while he goes down the stairs. "Where the fuck have you been!" She screeches. "I was worried sick that you had been arrested or something. I heard you can get 6 months for that. I was worried sick!" She said worried sick twice. She looks insane. She mustve been really worried about me. She smushes my face together. "Look at your face. This is not a prison face. I thought you were already someone's bitch or something!" I giggle a little. "This is not a laughing matter Micheal Baxtor! Where were you?" She crosses her arms, raises her eyebrows. I laugh more. "You're cute when you're trying to be scary." She scoffs. "I am scary!"
"I'm hot."
"I know."
"Hot people aren't cute, cute people are cute. Hot people are scary!"
"Guess you're not hot then." She hits me. "Micheal! Do you know how many people find me scary?" It's true. There are lots of people who think she's 100% in control of our relationship. But she doesn't want to be. As much as she says she does, she doesn't. She likes laying her head on my chest while she reads and I play with her hair. She loves it when I pick her up and hug her. She loves it when I kiss her forehead.  "Atleast you're not adorable-"
"So now Im not adorable either?"
"What do you want from me!"
"A kiss."
"Okay. I can do that." I pull her in and put our lips together. She pulls away. "So why did you take so long?"
"Oh yeah! So you know Cathy?"
"Well, I bumped into her and she saw me trying to steal-"
"Oh no!"
"No, no it's good. I told her about the baby, and she gave us all the furniture we need, paid for our groceries, and told us shed pay for as many groceries as we need until we can get back on our feet." Barbara looks ecstatic. "That's so nice of her! I have news too."
"You're pregnant?"
"You're not funny."
"Then why are you laughing?"
"Anyways. I got you an interview for a job! It's over the phone because its in California-"
"Wait, wait, wait. California?" She clears her throat. "I know uprooting our entire lives is less than ideal. Especially with Jamie having no one but his mom, but you can call him everyday! I hate to be that person, but think of baby. Sure, our groceries are paid for now but that debt will rack up, or she might be in a tough spot and it'll stop. This job will provide for me, you and baby. It's 20k a year! I know it's a long shot because you don't have a degree or any experience, and Californians are hungry, but you've got to try. Try for all 3 of us."She's right. Maybe it will be hard. Especially since Jamie is staying here and I see him once a week normally. Atleast. But this baby needs a good life too. "I'll interview."
"Yes! Thank god."

Authors note: another chapter hopefully soon, this isn't like my other chapters they are connected but yeah! Hope you're all doing well and I hope you're enjoying it! Tysm for reading!

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