Chapter 2

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Fucking fuckity fuck fuck!" She slopes down on the floor, dissapointment oozing from her every move. "Why. Why! This wasn't supposed to happen like this, if at all. We can't afford a kid!" I slope down with her. I look at her and just feel as terrified and hold her. "It's okay baby. It's gonna be okay."

"I'm going to end up as a statistic. I've always just been a statistic. My whole life. I thought I'd end up being something." She believes every word she says. But not of its true. "You are not a-"
"Yes I am! First my mom died. Then I had a crappy alcoholic dad. And now I'm a pregnant waitress. You'll give up on your dreams and marry me then You're going to end up leaving me when you realise that we've ruined your future and you're capable of so much more than being tied down with me. You're going to go to university and find a younger, prettier woman and have a real family with her, and then I'll be a shitty mom and our kid will end up a serial killer and it will be all my fault and Ill die." Okay, that was a lot. I know she knows I'm not like that. And neither is she. She couldn't raise a serial killer. "We're not our parents."
"They thought that too."
"Listen, I can't predict the future, but no matter what I'll always support you best I can and I'll be the best dad I can be. Fuck. I just said the word dad. That's too..."
"It's too real."
"Far too real. But I'll be here no matter what."
"We can't afford fuck all as we are. I'll have to pick up loads of extra shifts. Maybe another job."

"Youre way too overworked as it is!she keeps her cool. "We don't have a choice." She thinks for a second. "Unless we..." She doesn't finish her sentence. Like she's stuck she's glitched. "Didn't keep it?" I try to finish her sentence for her. "Fuck! I don't know. Maybe. No. But. Everyone told us not to do this. We're just white trash. Plain and simple white trash. Poor, having kids young." It sucks to see her like this. Shes never cared what people think, whyh does she now? "If you're considering, not keeping it, don't think aboutwhat people have said, what people will think. Just think about, if you want this kid." She starts blankly at the wall, unsure of what she thinks. "Do you?" God i dont know! "Uh. I think I do. Kind of. But if you don't want to keep it we don't have to." She throws her head back in frustration. She wants a clear answer. The right answer but neither of us have it. "I'm such a tragic teenager."
"You're not." She's not even close.
"Oh my god. I'm gonna be a mother. My mom was 19 when she got pregnant with me."
"So were my parents."
"My dad was 19 when he had my sister. Her mom was too. We're going to be like our parents."
"We're nothing like our parents."
"What if it comes out with 2 heads and wings?"

"First of all, if it had wings that would be awesome, second of all, we could dress it as a dragon every Halloween."

"Okay, that's actually pretty cool. But I'd have to shove 2 heads through my vagina at the same time. And a pair of wings." I look straight into her eyes. Her beautiful, frightened eyes.
"It most likely won't have 2 heads or any wings."
"Even so, it's going to destroy my body and then make me habe loads of wrinkles from raising it. Ill not be hot anymore."
"You will always be hot. You'll be like Mason and Cara Murphy's mom from when we were kids."
"You think?"
"I know."

"And you'll look like their dad. They were an attractive couple to make such ugly babies. Oh god what if our kid is ugly? WHAT IF WE HAVE TWINS?"
"Hey you're meant to be my rock why are you making this worse!"
"I'm sorry, I was keeping it together until you mentioned TWINS."

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