chapter 5- one off Barbara POV

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Another day at work at this absolute shithole with these awful people and these awful costumers. But I'll try to stay positive. Stress is bad for the baby. Stress is had for the baby. Stress is bad for the baby. Stress is bad for the- WILL THIS WOMAN STOP CLICKING HER FUCKING FINGERS AT ME I WILL GET TO THEM WHEN I CAN. Breath in, breath out, breath in breath out. "Hi, I'll be your server today. Can I get you started with some drinks?"

"Beer." He barks in my face. Great way to start a 12-hour shift. "Great. And for you?"

"Oo, let me have a look, sweetie." YOU WERE THE ONE CLICKING AND YOU'RE NOT EVEN SURE WHAT YOU WANT YET? GOD! PEOPLE! "Yeah there's no rush, take your time, hun."

"Are you pregnant?" She puts her dirty, greasy, sweaty paws on my stomach. I genuinely don't understand why people think it's okay to touch a strangers stomach. You go up to a non-pregnant stranger and start rubbing their stomach so why would you do that to a pregnant person? Atleast ask. The answer would still be no but I'd respect you more. I move back. "Please don't do that. Have you decided on a drink?"

"No need to get mad, I'll have an iced tea." I decide to ignore that she told me not to get mad. I'm not mad. All I did was tell her to get off my stomach. Not a big deal. But telling her that will just make things worse. "Sorry, we don't actually sell iced tea. There's a menu just there."

"Okay. Hmmm, hmm..."

"HELLO ARE THERE ANY SERVERS HERE?" An obnoxious man says.

"Oh, I'll be there in just one second, sweetheart. I'm just helping this table right now." I politely tell them.

"Ugh, fine. If you're not going to help us, that's fine. But it's coming out of your

tip." Did I not just say I will be there in a minute? "I will help you, I'm just with this-"

"Excuse me you're supposed to be helping us right now. Not them. That's rude."

"Right, sor-"

"We were having a conversation."

"I just need to-"

"But we-"

"We need your-"

"Sorry I need to-"

"You should-"

"Listen lady we-"

"Right everybody shut up a second. I'm going to deal with you now. Please for the love of God be quick. I can't cope."

"Oh, um, I'll get a coke."

"A coke and a beer. Great. I'll have those over soon. Thank you." I write it down and head over to the other table. "Hi, welcome to-"

"Right I want a margarita and he'll get a-"

"I can say what I want."

"Yeah but you always get something you don't want because you're stupid."

"Well it's my order so I can chose what I want."

"No because-" this is going to take a while. "Oh Ill just come back-"

"No, tell me, woman to woman, you're a wife-"

"Im not married. I probably can't help you, sorry. I'll give you too a moment and ve right back."

"But you're pregnant, aren't you?" I'm at that wonderful stage in my life where literally everyone can tell that I'm pregnant and I'm so sick of it. "I am, why?" I regret asking why. "Well you're not married but you're pregnant?" Oh. She's one of these.

"Yeah, it happens."

"Ever heard of a condom?"

"Ever heard of not being a total bitch?" She scoffs. "You can not talk to me like that."

God I love Cherry SodaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin